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52 docs tagged with "system administration"

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Archive Database

Release stores completed releases in a database that is separate from the repository: the archived database. Besides the completed releases, metadata for reporting is stored in this database.

Authentication Options

This topic discusses how to set up SSO authentication for external users that are in external IDPs.

Back up Release

This topic describes how to create a backup and how to restore from that backup. It is a best practice to create regular backups of your Release server.

Basic Install

This topic describes how to install Release in a standard installation - either a simple setup with the default configuration, or a manual setup in which you can choose specific options. If you are installing Release in a production-ready environment that includes options like a separate database server, load balancing for your Release servers, an active/active cluster configuration for your Release servers, and other security, monitoring, and performance considerations, see Production environment install.

Clean up Stale Releases

You can automate the cleanup of old releases by setting up a template with a cleanup script that will be periodically triggered by the criteria that you provide. You can use this procedure in cases where many releases are in a failed state that are older than the specified period of time.

Cluster Mode

This topic describes how to install and upgrade Release as a cluster. Running Release in a cluster mode lets you have a Highly Available (HA) Release setup. Release supports the following HA mode.

Configure Atlassian Crowd Security for Release

This topic describes how to configure Release to use an Atlassian Crowd to authenticate users and retrieve role (group) membership. In Release, Atlassian Crowd users and groups become principals that you can assign to roles. Global permissions are assigned at the role level.

Configure Task Access

This topic explains how to configure task access Release, allowing you to manage who can view or execute specific tasks within a release.

Connect to Deploy Servers

This topic describes how to connect Release to Deploy servers, enabling seamless integration for deployment automation.

Create a JDBC export hook

This topic explains how to create a JDBC export hook in Release, allowing you to export data from the release system to a JDBC-compliant database. For more information, see Release export hooks.

Create an export hook

You can use the export hook feature to configure Release to run a Jython script for every release that is about to be archived.

Feature settings

The Feature Settings page allows you to toggle or configure the optional features in Release.

File Upload Properties

In Release you can configure the file upload properties. File upload properties are used to set a limit for the size of uploaded files and to restrict content accepted by Release.

General settings

This topic explains how to configure General settings in Release.

Global Variables

You can use variables to manage information that you don't know in advance or that may change.

How Archiving Works

This topic provides information about how all completed and aborted releases are archived in Release. These releases are removed from the main repository and stored in a separate internal database called the archive database. This process improves performance and allows for the creation of custom hooks to export release information to external databases or reporting tools.

HTTP CSRF Protection

This topic covers Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF), a class of attack that forces an authenticated end user to execute unwanted actions on an application. You can configure CSRF protection in Release.

HTTP GZIP Compression

You can configure GZIP compression in Release. GZIP compression is used to decrease the size of server responses and save bandwidth usage. There is a small overhead of server CPU usage to compress content. It is enabled by default, but you may want to adjust the settings depending on your use case.

HTTP sameSite Cookie Configuration

This topic explains the sameSite attribute for session cookies in Release 22.1 and later, enhancing security by restricting cookies to first-party or same-site contexts.

Installation Prerequisites

This page covers the minimum hardware and software requirements to install and run Release. Also, you will get information about the supported operating systems, databases, web browsers, kubernetes platforms, JDKs, message brokers, upgrade versions, and so on. Ensure that your setup is better than the stated minimum requirements, depending on your site's size and usage pattern. For more assistance, contact support.

Integrated Windows Authentication

This topic describes how support Single Sign-On (SSO) by configuring Release to use Integrated Windows Authentication to authenticate users and retrieve role (group) membership without prompting the users for a user name and password. In Release, Active Directory users and groups become principals that you can assign to roles.

LDAP Authentication

This topic describes how to configure Release to use an LDAP repository to authenticate users and retrieve role, group, membership.

Licensing the Release Product

This topic outlines the two main types of licenses in Release: the 30-day Trial Edition license and the new bundle license (v4), which includes Essentials, Pro, and Premium Editions.


By default, the Release server writes information, such as: warnings, errors, and log messages to your terminal output and to XLRELEASESERVER_HOME/log/xl-release.log.

Maintenance Mode

You can run Release in maintenance mode, which is a special mode of operating a single Release instance or an entire cluster. The primary use is to boot-up Release in maintenance mode for post-upgrade smoke testing and clean-up activities.

Manage Passwords

This topic explains how to change the encryption key password and the admin user's password in Release.

Managing Encrypted Passwords in Release

Release provides a mechanism to automatically encrypt passwords and enables you to refer to them, so you do not need to store third-party passwords in plain text in configuration files.

Plugin Classloader Release runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and has two classloaders: one for the server itself, and one for the plugins and extensions. A plugin can have a .jar extension. The JAR format is a ZIP archive that bundles a plugin with all of its dependencies.

Plugin Manager

You can manage your Release plugins directly from the Release user interface. The plugin manager displays the list of installed plugins and their current version. With the plugin manager you can upload a new plugin or a new version of an installed plugin directly from the user interface.

PostgreSQL Streaming Replication in Release

This topic covers the setup of a production environment in Release using an external clustered database for operational and archived data. It also includes configuring PostgreSQL in a hot-standby setup for high availability with standby servers ready to take over if the primary server fails.

Release Architecture

Release features a modular architecture that allows you to change and extend components while maintaining a consistent system.

Risk Profile Settings

This topic explores Risk profile settings, which are configurations that help assess and manage the potential risks associated with a release.

SCM (Source Control Management) Connection

In Release, you can store template versions inside a folder in a Source Control Management (SCM) tool. This provides easier management of all the artifacts, and provides the possibility to store them together with Releasefiles and Jenkinsfiles, and to configure and to use them from a release pipeline. You can define an SCM connection on a folder level or on a global level in Release.

Shut Down Release

This topic outlines the procedure for shutting down or stopping Release using a command prompt or terminal.

SMTP Servers

In Release, you can configure an SMTP server to send notifications to users via email. This can be for events that occur during the execution of the release.

Start Release

This topic describes how to start the Release server on different operating systems, either interactively or as a background process.

Trial Install

This topic describes how to install a trial version of Release.

Trust an Deploy Server's Certificate

This topics provides information about creating and configuring a truststore, importing certificates, and adjusting Release settings to ensure secure communication with the Deploy server.

Upgrade Release - JVM

This topic describes the prerequisites, process and considerations for upgrading to the latest version of Release.

User Settings

This topic explains user management in Release, including how users are identified and authenticated through valid credentials.