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66 docs tagged with "task"

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Add Comments to a Task

In the Release GUI, you can add comments to any type of task in a template or release by opening the task and clicking Add comment.

Agility Plugin

This topic describes how to configure the Release—Agility integration plugin.

Ansible Plugin

The Release Ansible plugin allows Release to run playblooks on an Ansible host. It includes the following task types:

Argo CD Plugin

This topic describes the tasks available with the Argo CD plugin.

Automatically Handle Failures in Tasks

By default, when a task in a release fails, the release stops so you can retry the task, skip the task, or add new tasks to resolve the issue. If the Abort on failure option is selected, the release immediately aborts if a failure occurs. This is useful for Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery environments in which a new code commit will fix the problem and start a new release.

Bitbucket Plugin

This topic describes how to configure the Release Bitbucket plugin.

Black Duck Plugin

In the Release Black Duck plugin, you can monitor various risks as analyzed by Black Duck, and to take action in Release. For example, to fail or pass a release based on the severity and volume of risks in Black Duck.

Change a Task's Type

To change the type of a task in a template, you need the Edit Template permission on the template. To change the type of a task in a release, you need the Edit Task permission on the release.

Checkmarx Plugin

With the Release Checkmarx plugin, you can trigger scans in Checkmarx for your application, verify scan results, and check compliance directly from the Release user interface.

Conjur Connection Plugin

The CyberArk Conjur plugin is used to retrieve secrets from a CyberArk Conjur server. Configuring this plugin allows you to store secrets an external provider and retrieve them at runtime when during a release execution.

Conjur Plugin

This document describes the functionality provided by the xlr-conjur-integration. This plugin provides the ability to populate a release variable with secret retrieved from a Conjur server. The release variable can then be used by subsequent tasks in the release.

Core Concepts Releases are at the heart of Release. A release represents a number of activities in a certain time period, with people working on them. Release allows you to plan, track, and execute releases automatically. It acts as a single source of truth for everyone who is involved in making the release a success.

Create a Jython Script Task

A Jython Script task contains a Jython script that is executed on the Release server. This is an automated task that completes when the script finishes successfully.

Create a Manual Task

A Manual task represents a step in a template or release that must be completed by a user. This is the basic type of task in Release.

Create a Sequential Group

A Sequential Group is a container for tasks that are executed in sequence. The tasks in a Sequential Group are executed in the same order as a series of tasks in a phase. With this task type, you can group together related tasks within a phase.

Create Custom Task Types

In Release you can add custom task types that appear in the user interface and integrate seamlessly with other tasks in the release flow. You can use custom tasks to integrate with third-party components. For example, Release includes JIRA integration tasks, which are a set of custom tasks.

Create Release Tasks

A Create Release task is an automatic task that creates and starts a release based on a configured template.

Delphix Plugin

The Release Delphix plugin allows Release to manage virtual databases and bookmarks on a Delphix Dynamic Data Platform. It includes the following task types:

Deploy Plugin

The Deploy plugin for Release allows you to start a control task or to start a deployment of an application on Deploy. It also provides the functionality to trigger undeployment of an application already deployed on Deploy.

Deploy Tasks

The Deploy task provides integration with Deploy, the Application Release Automation solution as part of the DevOps Platform. It is an automated task that triggers the deployment of an application to an environment in Deploy. Both the application and environment must be configured in Deploy. The task provides live updates of the deployment process and completes automatically when the deployment succeeds.

Docker Compose Plugin

With the Release Docker Compose plugin you can create and destroy multi-container Docker applications on a Docker host. It includes the following task types:

External Script Tasks

An External Script task points to a Jython or Groovy script that will be executed on the Release server. This is an automated task that completes automatically when the script finishes successfully. The task detects the language of the script by the file name extension.

Fortify on Demand Plugin

With the Release Fortify on Demand plugin, you can check your application compliance rating in Fortify on Demand, directly from the Release user interface.

Fortify SSC Plugin

The Release Fortify SSC enables Release to work with reports and metrics from a Fortify Software Security Center(SSC) server.

Gate Tasks

A Gate task contains conditions that must be fulfilled before the release can continue. There are two types of conditions: simple checkboxes and dependencies on other releases.

Github Plugin

This topic describes how to configure the Release Github plugin.

Gitlab Plugin

This topic describes how to configure the Release Gitlab plugin.

Groovy Script Tasks

A Groovy Script task contains a Groovy script that is executed on the Release server. This is an automated task that completes when the script finishes successfully.

Hashicorp Vault Plugin

The HashiCorp Vault plugin is an Release plugin to retrieve secrets from a Vault Server for use in your tasks and automations. These secrets include static and dynamic username and password fields from the Secrets Engine of your choice.

How to Find Identifiers for REST API

To use the Release REST API, you need to know the unique identifiers for templates, releases, phases and tasks. This topic explains where you can find them.

Jira Plugin

This topic describes how to configure the Jira Release plugin.

Jira Tasks Plugin

You can use JIRA tasks in Release to interact with an Atlassian JIRA server. The following JIRA task types are available:

Kubernetes Plugin

The Release Kubernetes plugin allows Release to work with resources on a Kubernetes host. It includes the following task types:

Mention Users in the Release Task

The users can be mentioned in the Release task description and comments and it will be notified to the respective mentioned user(s) through a notification email.

Notification Tasks

You can use the Notification task type to prepare emails that are sent automatically when a task becomes active. This is an automated task and will complete by itself, or fail if the email could not be sent. Release advances to the subsequent task when the notification task finishes.

OpenShift Plugin

The Release OpenShift plugin allows you to work with resources on an OpenShift host from the Release UI. The following task types are included:

Remote Script Tasks Plugin

Remote Script tasks enable Release to execute commands on remote hosts using the Overthere framework, a Java library for manipulating files and executing processes on remote hosts.

Sequential Tasks With Parallel Groups

With the parallel group task type you can execute tasks in parallel, instead of in sequence. By using dependencies among tasks, it is possible to "chain" some or all of the tasks in a parallel group in a sequence.

ServiceNow Plugin

With the Release ServiceNow plugin, you can work with release tasks on a ServiceNow host from the Release UI.

Set a Precondition on a Task

The execution flow can be controlled by setting a precondition on a task. A precondition is an if statement for tasks, written in Jython script code.

SonarQube Plugin

The Release SonarQube plugin enables Release to work with reports and metrics from a Sonar server.

Sonatype Nexus IQ Plugin

The Release Sonatype Nexus IQ plugin is a Release plugin that enables the evaluation of a binary within the Nexus IQ server.

Task Abort Script

Using the Abort script property you can execute a Jython script when the task is aborted by the user. This script is defined by the property abortScriptLocation. The abort script is only supported by Jython tasks (extends="xlrelease.PythonScript").

Task Failure Handler

Using the Handling failure property you can enable failure handling on any task in a phase. You can use this to execute a Jython script when the task fails its execution or to skip the task.

Task Life Cycle

In an active release, tasks transition through different states. The following diagram shows the lifecycle of a task.

Task Overview

To see the list of active tasks that are assigned to you or your team: From the navigation pane, click Tasks under Overview group. The task overview shows the status of each task, as well as any flags that have been set.

Task Types

In Release there are multiple types of tasks. These task types can be divided into different category: tasks that represent actions performed by a user, tasks that are automated, and tasks that provide integration with other tools.

TeamForge Integration

This topic describes how to configure the Release—TeamForge integration plugin.

Test an Automated Task During Configuration

When you are configuring an automated task such as a Webhook, Script, or custom task, for the first time while creating a release template in Release, you usually need to test and tweak it a few times before the configuration is correct.

The Release Work Directory

The XLRELEASESERVER_HOME/work directory is used to store temporary data that cannot be stored in the memory.

The Release Work Directory

The XLRELEASESERVER_HOME/work directory is used to store temporary data that cannot be stored in the memory.

Topaz for Total Test Plugin

The Compuware Topaz for Total Test plugin enables execution of the Topaz for Total Test CLI with parameters required to automate testing using Release for continuous delivery.

Use Scheduling in Scripts

A scheduled script can be used within a custom task script to check for the availability of a resource or to do something when conditions are satisfied, see Create custom task types.

User Input Task

A User Input task is a manual task that you can use to provide values for release variables. These values can then be used in other tasks in the release. The values entered on a task are propagated to release variables as soon as the task is created, not when it is completed. The skip option is always disabled.

Using Markdown in Release

In Release you can style your text using Markdown syntax. Markdown is a way to indicate headers, hyperlink, italics, and so on in your text. In Release, markdown is supported in task descriptions, script task output, and comments.

Vault Connection Plugin

The HashiCorp Vault plugin is used to retrieve secrets from a HashiCorp Vault server. This plugin allows you to store secrets with an external provider and retrieve them at runtime during the release execution.

Webhook Event Tasks

Webhook event tasks are extensible automated tasks that wait for events from webhooks endpoints and complete when the incoming event matches the specified condition.

Webhook Task

Automatic tasks often need to interact with an external system through a REST interface. Although you could use a Jython Script task to send an HTTP query and parse the response, the Webhook task type is a simpler option.

Work With Phases and Tasks

In Release, phases in a template or release represent blocks of activities that occur in succession. Activities in a template or release are modeled as tasks, which are logically grouped in phases. You can use the release flow editor to manage phases and tasks.

Working With Tasks

To edit a task in a template or release, go to the release flow editor and click the task.