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UiPath Integration with Appium

  • UiPath Studio - Downloaded version (Supported on Windows only), refer to the UiPath User Guide for installation instructions.

  • Access to a Continuous Testing instance with Mobile Devices – Applicable to both SaaS and On-Prem customers.

  • The project within the Continuous Testing must be enabled with Appium Server.

This guide describes how to utilise UiPath and connect it to Mobile Devices hosted on's Continuous Testing platform.

Setting up a Project in UiPath

  1. Ensure that the UiPath Studio is downloaded and configured (Refer to the prerequisites section for guidance).

  2. Create a new Project of the type Mobile Testing Project

  3. Once the project is created, navigate to the Mobile Automation tab and click on Mobile Device Manager

  4. Within the Mobile Device Manager, add a new device by clicking the + button

Configuring a Mobile Device in UiPath

Depending on whether you are connecting to an iOS Device or an Android Device (with variations, such as Web or Mobile Applications), the capabilities may vary slightly.

However, there are a few key capabilities that apply regardless of the device or application type

Appium Urlhttps://<your_cloud>/wd/hubURL of your testing platform which you access from your browser, with /wd/hub appended
accessKey<your_access_key>Used for authentication to establish a connection

Let’s review the specific requirements for each approach-

iOS Web Application

Let’s look at the parameters in UiPath:

And if we break down the parameters, let’s review what each parameter defines:

PlatformiOSIdentifies the platform to work with
Device Name<device_name>Name of the mobile device, as seen visually in the Continuous Testing Platform
Platform Version<version_of_device_os>Version of the selected mobile device
browserNameSafariBrowser to launch and use during the session
udid<device_udid>The serial number of the targeted device. How to find the Serial Number (UDID) of a Mobile Device
automationNameXCUITestTells the session to use iOS Driver

iOS Native Application

Let’s look at the parameters for an iOS Native Application session-

PlatformiOSIdentifies the platform to work with
Device Name<device_name>Name of the mobile device, as seen visually in the Continuous Testing Platform
Platform Version<version_of_device_os>Version of the selected mobile device
appcloud:<bundle_id>The application that will be installed upon session initialization. cloud: indicates that it should look at the Application Manager repository for a pre-uploaded application. Application Manager Documentation
bundleId<bundle_id>The application that will be launched, once the installation is completed by the app capability
udid<device_udid>The serial number of the targeted device. How to find the Serial Number (UDID) of a Mobile Device
automationNameXCUITestTells the session to use iOS Driver

Android Web Application

Let’s look at the parameters for an Android Web Application session-

PlatformAndroidIdentifies the platform to work with
Device Name<device_name>Name of the mobile device, as seen visually in the Continuous Testing Platform
Platform Version<version_of_device_os>Version of the selected mobile device
browserNameChromeBrowser to launch and use during the session
udid<device_udid>The serial number of the targeted device. How to find the Serial Number (UDID) of a Mobile Device
automationNameUIAutomator2Tells the session to use Android Driver

Android Native Application

PlatformAndroidIdentifies the platform to work with
Device Name<device_name>Name of the mobile device, as seen visually in the Continuous Testing Platform
Platform Version<version_of_device_os>Version of the selected mobile device
appcloud:<app_package/app_activity>The application that will be installed upon session initialization. cloud: indicates that it should look at the Application Manager repository for a pre-uploaded application. Application Manager Documentation
appPackage<app_package>The application that will be launched once installation is completed by the app capability.We need to specify the package name explicitly
appActivity<app_activity>The application that will be launched once installation is completed by the app capability. We need to specify the activity name explicitly
udid<device_udid>The serial number of the targeted device. How to find the Serial Number (UDID) of a Mobile Device
automationNameUIAutomator2Tells the session to use Android Driver

Session Established

Once you’ve saved and started a session, you should see the reflection of a mobile device and respective application being launched (based on your capabilities)-


Refer to Appium Supported Capabilities to learn about other capabilities you may leverage for initiating a session. For additional information around UiPath’s Mobile Device Manager, refer to their User Guide.

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