Dai-CT Execution Command Line Interface
This feature lets you run multiple execution types easily from the terminal against Continuous Testing Cloud.
To install the package, run this following command (with sudo permissions):
npm install -g dai-ct
The CLI must be configured before running it.
To configure the CLI, add a file named credentials.json in the root directory of the project. It needs to contain:
- cloudUrl
- accessKey
This file needs to be in json format.
credentials.json Example Expand source
"cloudUrl" : "https://mycloud.experitest.com",
"accessKey" : "myAccessKey"
Run Cypress and Playwright Tests
You can run Cypress or Playwright projects.
Cypress and Playwright projects are run asynchronously. The response received is immediate.
dai-ct cypress run -p or --project <path to the project> -c or --conf <path to conf file>
dai-ct playwright run -p or --project <path to the project> -c or --conf <path to conf file>
Name | Mandatory | Description |
-p or --project | Yes | Cypress project to run |
-c or --conf | No | Configuration file for the requested execution. A file named digitalai.json (in json format) with the required configuration. For more information, see : Start a Cypress Execution Execute a Playwright Job |
Run Cypress Command Example Expand source
dai-ct cypress run -p /Users/MyUser/Documents/cypressProject --conf digitalai.json
Run Playwright Command Example Expand source
dai-ct playwright run -p /Users/MyUser/Documents/playwrightProject --conf digitalai.json
Run Espresso and XCUITest Tests
You can run Espresso or XCUITest projects.
Espresso and XCUITest projects are run asynchronously, the response received is immediate
dai-ct espresso run -a or --app <path to the app> -t or --testApp <path to the test app file> -c or --conf <path to conf.json file>
dai-ct xcuitest run -a or --app <path to the app> -t or --testApp <path to the test app file> -c or --conf <path to conf.json file>
Name | Mandatory | Description |
-c or --conf | Yes | Configuration file for the execution. A file named conf.json (in json format) with the required parameters for the executions. For more information see Running Async Espresso/XCUITest. > [!INFO] > Only the mandatory parameters are supported: > * runningType > * deviceQueries > * appUrl > * testAppUrl |
-a or --app | No (only if appUrl is provided in the conf.json) | Application under test |
-t or --testApp | No (only if testAppUrl is provided in the conf.json) | Espresso / XCUI tests(.zip extension only) |
Run Espresso Command Example Expand source
dai-ct espresso run -a /Users/MyUser/Documents/myApp.apk -t /Users/MyUser/Documents/myTests.apk -c conf.json
Run XCUITest Command Example Expand source
dai-ct xcuitest run -a /Users/MyUser/Documents/myApp.ipa -t /Users/MyUser/Documents/myTests.zip -c conf.json
conf.json Example Expand source
"runningType": "coverage", //Mandatory
"deviceQueries" : "@os='android'", //Mandatory
"appUrl" : "https://actualapp.apk", //Not Mandatory if App argument is given in cli
"testAppUrl" : "https://testapp.apk" //Not Mandatory if TestApp argument is given in cli