SeeTestAutomation- Collect Support Data
Please note that this tool is classified as a Legacy tool. We recommend transitioning to our updated solutions to maintain optimal performance and security in your workflows. For more information on this matter, please reach out to technical support .
Having some issues while working with SeeTestAutomation? Please let us know about them.
On this page, you can find ways to help us get a better understanding of the problem that you are facing.
For this matter, we have created the 'Collect Support Data' wizard.
Step 1: Go to Help --> Collect Support Data
Step 2: Fill in the following form
Scenario - what actions were taken? which device/OS/application? any additional information is helpful.
Expected result - what were you expecting to happen?
Actual result - what did happen that is not right?
Attach Device data - You can choose a device and attach data specific to this device. Note that the device must be connected in order to receive any data.
- Attach device log - Attaches the device log. If the device is an iOS device checking this option will add an application crash log files. For remote devices, this will also include SeeTestCloud agent logs.
- Attach displayed HTML page - Attaches an HTML file of the current page open on the device, only if the page is a web page and web dump is available.
Attach Application file - Will help our support team to reproduce the issue
Collect support data also from the cloud - If the user is connected to SeeTest Cloud, this adds Cloud agent and server logs. Only available if the user is connected as cloud admin.
Collect only latest logs - Choose whether to include all existing log files or only the last files created. By default, only latest logs are collected.
All these should help our experts have a full understanding of what happened on your machine, and fix this issue for you.
How to get 'Error Log'
Can be found under the %AppData%\SeeTestAutomation Folder as "Error.log".
You can open the folder by clicking on Help --> Open logs folder
On Windows Machine searching for %appdata% and go to Roaming -> SeeTestAutomation.
On a Mac machine, you can navigate to "~/SeeTestAutomation" to find the error.log file.