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Supported Commands

These commands are supported in the Test Editor:

  • Click - Performs the click action on any element.

  • Find Element - Finds an element with a given XPath value.

  • Send Keys - Enters text into an input element like a text box.

  • Long Press - Long presses on an element for the given time (1-5s) with default as 2 seconds.

  • Implicit Wait - Sets the maximum duration for subsequent element-based commands to wait for the specified element.

  • Activate App - Activates an app which can be selected from the dropdown containing all installed and system apps on the device.

  • Set Context - Sets the context among all the available context from the dropdown which includes current and past context. (Supporting one webview at a time)

  • Swipe - Contains two modes: Automatic and Manual. In Automatic mode, users can swipe in any of the four directions (Up, Down, Left, or Right). In Manual mode, users can specify the swipe start and end points using either XPath or coordinates.

  • Set Orientation - Switches the device orientation between Landscape and Portrait.

  • Delete App - Deletes (uninstalls) an application from the device. The application can be selected from the dropdown containing all installed app on the device.

  • Install App - Installs an application on the device. The application and its corresponding build and version can be selected from a dropdown menu, which includes all available operating system applications stored in the cloud.

  • Clear - Clears the given Text Field Element.

  • Sleep - Temporarily pauses the execution of the test for the given duration.

  • Assertion - Asserts 'isDisplayed', 'isEnabled', 'Equals', and 'Not Equals' conditions. The Assertion Dropdown offers these four commands, allowing selection of any one in a single step. 'isDisplayed' checks whether the element with the specified XPath value is displayed. 'isEnabled' checks whether the element with the specified XPath value is enabled. 'Equals' and 'Not Equals' compare various attributes of the element. For 'Equals' and 'Not Equals', the XPath value, attribute name selected from the attribute dropdown, and the attribute value entered in the textbox are required

  • Go To URL - Opens the web browser (Safari for iOS and Chrome for Android) and navigates to the specified URL.

  • Explicit Wait - Waits for the given duration until an element condition is fulfilled. The supported conditions are isPresent, isNotPresent, isVisible, isClickable, isDisabled.

  • HideKeyboard - Hides the keyboard when it is shown.