Mobile Studio - Extend Session
When opening a device in the Mobile Studio, the default reservation time will be set to the session.
To extend the session time, use the timer on the left upper corner.
During the session, the timer will tell the remaining time in hours:minutes
To extend the session time, hover the timer and click on the plus icon
When the session is in the last quarter of the remaining time the clock will become orange and in the last 5 minutes, it will turn red.
Here are some examples:
Last quarter
Last 5 minutes
Last minute (showing the time in seconds only)
When the time remaining reaches 3 minutes, a warning message appears on the top right corner of screen like below.
The number of minutes remaining are updated every minute.
This message can be closed by clicking on the close button. This message has option to extend the reservation as well.
On clicking the extend button, the reservation gets extended by the applicable amount (depending on whether session
was manual or automatic) and the warning message disappears. The warning message will also be removed when the
reservation is extended by clicking on the timer icon.