Add an AngularJS Customization to Your TeamForge Site
TeamForge uses AngularJS to power some of its pages. AngularJS (a.k.a first version of Google's Angular framework).
TeamForge uses AngularJS to power some of its pages. AngularJS (a.k.a first version of Google's Angular framework).
You could be either a site administrator or a project administrator, but you must have the project groups administration permissions to manage projects as a group.
Here are some examples to cover the basic AngularJS customization use cases.
You can customize TeamForge AngularJS pages using the APIs available.
When a user requests a source code repository on a source control server for which you have required approval, a TeamForge administrator must approve the request before the repository is created.
When a user asks for access to an unmanaged SCM server, an administrator must approve or reject the request.
SCM system maintenance requests (such as a repository delete request) must be approved (or rejected) by an administrator.
Set the logging level appropriately to enable logging in vamessages.log.
It is recommended to change the scmviewer password after installing TeamForge.
Use the Configure Application tool to define your site level TeamForge settings.
When a Subversion Edge server has been converted to a SCM Integration server in TeamForge, you can log into its management console from within TeamForge.
To help project managers get their project members set up quickly, provide ready-made project roles that any project on your site can use.
To begin controlling multiple projects at one go, create a project group.
The ability to run separate PostgreSQL instances for TeamForge database and datamart on the same server has been deprecated in TeamForge 17.11.
To participate in a TeamForge site, a person must have a user account on that site. TeamForge administrators can create these user accounts. This topic applies to sites with no LDAP authentication.
To say something to everyone who uses your site, post a site-wide broadcast message.
To assist in the administration of the TeamForge site, a person must have a site administrator user account with a corresponding role on that site.
To help users navigate your site, help them sort projects into categories that make sense.
TeamForge administrators can do a variety of things to help projects on the site be successful.
To participate in a TeamForge site, a person must have a user account on that site. TeamForge administrators can provide access to multiple users by creating their accounts together.
This script creates an event, a publisher (with the Webhook URL), and a subscriber in TeamForge Webhooks-based Event Broker for a specified application.
You can redesign some aspects of your site to suit your organization's needs and preferences.
The script can be used to dump and restore a PostgreSQL database.
If you no longer need a global project role, you should delete it. On deleting a global project role, all the user associations in the projects are removed.
If the projects being managed under a project group have achieved their targets you may not need the project group anymore. You can delete a project group in TeamForge. You must have the administrator permissions for project groups.
The script handles all the steps required to change the domain name in the site database. It does not change anything in the file system.
The script is used to change the domain name or host name of the subscriber in the TeamForge Webhooks-based Event Broker database.
You can make changes to a project group to keep it updated with the various projects you may be managing with that in TeamForge. You must have the administrator permissions for project groups to make any modifications.
You can move or reconfigure a source control server without having to reintegrate the server into TeamForge.
When a user has trouble accessing the site, you may need to reset the user's password or change the user's account status.
You can enable caching for TeamForge Baselines in case you have a large number of binary (Nexus) repositories. Caching Nexus repositories enables fast loading of Nexus repositories when you try to create or modify the binary filter criteria for baselines or baseline definitions.
The script allows you to access the Extract, Transform and Load (ETL) scheduler and check the status of the jobs configured. The script also supports triggering jobs manually.
EventQ is no longer supported and is completely removed from TeamForge starting from TeamForge 20.0. If you have been using EventQ on your site, you must consider a few things when you upgrade to TeamForge 20.0 or later.
TeamForge enables user authentication both against its internal database and against other external authentication services such as LDAP, OAuth, and SAML. This section provides information on how to set up TeamForge for authenticating its users against these services.
These are some of the frequently asked questions on the installation, upgrade, and site admin related activities in TeamForge.
To find a user, filter the list all TeamForge users on your site.
To allow some TeamForge users to use one or more TeamForge tools across several projects, create site-wide roles with specific project permissions, minus site administrative permissions. Assign these site-wide roles to those who may need to access the project tools in any project.
Install Review Board on your site before you can make it available as an integrated application to project managers on your TeamForge site.
This page walks you through the installation procedure for TeamForge Webhooks-based Event Broker (WEBR).
A site must have one or more servers to handle source code repositories and users. The source code server can be the same server as the application server or a separate server.
If your site's users need access to an application or web site that is not part of TeamForge, you can make it available by linking or integrating from within your TeamForge site.
You can query the database if you are a site administrator or have been given access to System Tools by another site administrator.
Use the logger-db-query script to enable or disable logging for queries.
You can empower site users to assist in site administration by giving them a suitable role. Based on the permissions you grant via site-wide roles, you can select site users who could be granted the privilege.
These are additional details you can follow while configuring your email settings.
A replica server in TeamForge is a Subversion Edge server that replicates the content of an existing core SCM integration server.
As a project group administrator, you know that the key to any user's access to the project group and the projects belonging to the group, is in the role you assign to the user. You can do almost all the role-related activities with project groups that you could do with individual projects.
To manage multiple users at once, create a group and add users to such user groups.
Your project group needs to be set up with project group members to facilitate any administrative tasks that you may want to do.
You may need to add or remove certain permissions from an existing global project role to assign new tasks or change the access permissions given via the role.
If restricted site administrators need to do things that are not allowed by a role you have assigned to them, you may need to change the permissions associated with that role.
To facilitate troubleshooting, keep an eye on key data about your TeamForge site.
When the existing code base for an application may need to be managed by a different team or project, you can move the source code repository from the first project into the other one.
The psql-reporting-wrapper script is used to connect to the datamart.
The psql-wrapper script is used to connect to the TeamForge application.
The script is used to get the encrypted or decrypted password value for the user scmviewer.
Provide sample projects to help users get started quickly. TeamForge comes with a sample template useful for agile development projects. Site administrators and project managers can use this template to jumpstart a project without a lot of manual setup steps.
You can query the database if you are a site administrator or have been given access to System Tools by another site administrator.
Queue type events are provided within the TeamForge Webhooks-based Event Broker to support client server processing and http based load balancing. It provides a robust mechanism for invoking jobs asynchronously and receiving the response through callbacks.
Some references to work with UI/AngularJS customizations.
If your TeamForge installation authenticates against an LDAP directory, follow these instructions to reset your admin account password.
Set the interval at which you want yourTeamForge site's data extracted to the datamart from which reports are generated.
The TeamForge Webhooks-based Event Broker v4 engine provides powerful scripting using JavaScript and custom JSON filtering capabilities that provide customization capability to products through webhooks.
The script allows you to reindex the entire TeamForge data.
When a subproject grows beyond its original scope, you may want to make it stand-alone project or move it to a different project hierarchy. By removing the association with a parent project, you can manage the subproject as a separate project.
When you set up Lab Management, your team members can use TeamForge to access their own virtual machines for developing and testing.
TeamForge site administration involves managing several aspects of TeamForge including setting up users and a role based access control, managing users, managing scm and other integrated applications, setting up SSL, managing the database and datamart, managing projects and so on.
A SYNC event type within the TeamForge Webhooks-based Event Broker is called as a Pre-Submit event in TeamForge. Only one subscription is allowed for this event type.
Any time you upgrade your TeamForge site or a source control application, you must ensure that your users can still access their source code.
When you purchase a TeamForge license, you get the right to assign licenses to a specified number of users.
System administrators can use logs to debug problems and ensure that the application is performing to expectations.
Use the host:SERVICES and the host:PUBLIC_FQDN tokens to define the services and domain names of your TeamForge site respectively. You can also have unique service-specific FQDNs for services such as Subversion, Git, mail, Codesearch and so on.
Here's a list of TeamForge `site-options.conf` tokens and configuration information.
TeamForge Webhooks-based Event Broker is a webhook driven integration broker, delivered as a free technical microservice along with TeamForge. It is a replacement for the event brokering aspects of the now deprecated EventQ product.
The TeamForge Webhooks-based Event Broker related settings are discussed in this page.
TeamForge Webhooks-based Event Broker supports TeamForge—Jenkins integration. Jenkins integration plugin is used to integrate TeamForge with Jenkins using TeamForge Webhooks-based Event Broker.
TeamForge Webhooks-based Event Broker supports TeamForge-JIRA integration. A new JIRA integration plugin version 1.1 is used to integrate TeamForge with JIRA using the TeamForge Webhooks-based Event Broker.
TeamForge's native Webhooks-based Event Broker replaces EventQ as the default event broker to support TeamForge integration with TestLink. EventQ-based TeamForge—Testlink integration is no longer supported.
A TOPIC event type within the TeamForge Webhooks-based Event Broker is called as a Post-Submit event in TeamForge. The message of this event type is delivered to all the subscription endpoints.
If you have been updating your tracker artifacts both via the UI and CLI/SOAP, you may optionally run the `` script to fix the inconsistent CRLF characters that were found to exist in the text flex field data.
Use these instructions to upgrade Review Board to a latest build.
You can upgrade TeamForge on new hardware in a distributed multi-host setup.
You can upgrade TeamForge on new hardware with all services on a single server.
You can upgrade TeamForge on the same hardware with all services on a single server.
You can upgrade TeamForge on the same hardware in a distributed multi-host setup.
By setting up the SAML+LDAP IdP, TeamForge users can reap the benefits of both SAML and LDAP authentication mechanisms in a unified manner. With SAML+LDAP authentication, while SAML enables TeamForge users to access web applications, the LDAP authentication supports user authentication required for CLI applications. For example, if a user performs a source code commit in Git/SVN repository, the user can get authenticated via LDAP.
TeamForge supports integration with LDAP. Once integrated with LDAP servers, TeamForge can use LDAP credentials for user authentication.
With the new TeamForge Identity Management built on OpenID Connect (OIDC) and OAuth 2.0 authorization frameworks, TeamForge can now act as an ID Provider (IdP). As an IdP, TeamForge can authorize a third-party client application to obtain limited access to its services either on behalf of a Resource Owner (user) or on behalf of the client application itself.
SAML is an XML-based open standard developed by OASIS Security Services Technical Committee. It defines a framework to perform web browser SSO using secure tokens for exchanging security information between web applications.
A user can have multiple roles in different projects either by being directly assigned those roles or by inheriting them. You might find it useful to see all the roles assigned to a user in a TeamForge site before adding or removing a role.
You might want to create roles that projects across the site can use with minimum effort and maintenance. Using global project roles is an easy way of enforcing role-based similarities and removing role duplication across projects. You can suggest to the project administrators to use common global project roles while assigning project tasks in TeamForge, instead of creating and managing several similar roles for their individual projects.