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Version: TeamForge 22.0

Synchronize TeamForge Source Control Integrations

  1. Click Admin in the TeamForge navigation bar.

  2. Select Projects > Integrations.

  3. For each source control service you are supporting, verify that the right paths are specified.

    • SOAP service host should be localhost or the host name of the server on which you just installed TeamForge.
    • Repository base URL should be the URL for the top level of your source code server (which may be the same as your application server). For example, http://<myscmbox>/svn/repos
    • SCM Viewer URL should be the URL for the ViewVC application on your source control server. For example, http://<myscmbox>/integration/viewvc/viewvc.cgi

    If you want to turn on TeamForge code browser, specify the appropriate URL.

  4. Select all your integrations and click Synchronize Permissions. This updates the permissions on your code repositories so that users can access them from the new site.


    By default, the DISABLE_CREATE_INTEGRATION_SERVERS token in the site-options.conf file is set to false, which allows users to create new external integrations. To restrict users from adding new integrations, set this token to true and recreate the runtime environment before making the site available to users.

    Known Issue in TeamForge 18.3

Post upgrade to TeamForge 18.3, when you click Synchronize Permissions, one of the svn-internal repositories is assigned with the root:HTTPD_GROUP permission (erroneously). Fix this by running the following command:

chown -R $(sed -ne 's/^HTTPD_USER=\(.*\)/\1/p' /opt/collabnet/teamforge/runtime/conf/runtime-options.conf):$(sed -ne 's/^HTTPD_GROUP=\(.*\)/\1/p' /opt/collabnet/teamforge/runtime/conf/runtime-options.conf) /opt/collabnet/teamforge/var/scm/sf-svnroot/*