Basic install
This topic describes how to install Release in a standard installation - either a simple setup with the default configuration, or a manual setup in which you can choose specific options. If you are installing Release in a production-ready environment that includes options like a separate database server, load balancing for your Release servers, an active/active cluster configuration for your Release servers, and other security, monitoring, and performance considerations, see Production environment install.
Cluster mode
This topic describes how to install and upgrade Release as a cluster. Running Release in a cluster mode lets you have a Highly Available (HA) Release setup. Release supports the following HA mode.
Configure the SQL repository Release stores its data in a repository. By default, this repository is an embedded database stored in XLRELEASESERVERHOME/repository. Completed releases and reporting information are stored in another database called archive. By default, this is also an embedded database stored in XLRELEASESERVERHOME/archive. Embedded databases are automatically created when Release is started for the first time. They are used to simplify the setup for evaluation and test environments. For production use, you must use an industrial-grade external database server.
HTTP CSRF Protection
This topic covers Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF), a class of attack that forces an authenticated end user to execute unwanted actions on an application. You can configure CSRF protection in Release.
HTTP GZIP Compression
You can configure GZIP compression in Release. GZIP compression is used to decrease the size of server responses and save bandwidth usage. There is a small overhead of server CPU usage to compress content. It is enabled by default, but you may want to adjust the settings depending on your use case.
Install or Remove Plugins
This topics provides information about how to install and remove plugins in Release.
Installation Prerequisites
This page covers the minimum hardware and software requirements to install and run Release. Also, you will get information about the supported operating systems, databases, web browsers, kubernetes platforms, JDKs, message brokers, upgrade versions, and so on. Ensure that your setup is better than the stated minimum requirements, depending on your site's size and usage pattern. For more assistance, contact support.
Licensing the Release Product
This topic outlines the two main types of licenses in Release: the 30-day Trial Edition license and the new bundle license (v4), which includes Essentials, Pro, and Premium Editions.
Plugin Classloader Release runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and has two classloaders: one for the server itself, and one for the plugins and extensions. A plugin can have a .jar extension. The JAR format is a ZIP archive that bundles a plugin with all of its dependencies.
Start Release
This topic describes how to start the Release server on different operating systems, either interactively or as a background process.
Store Reports and Logs on S3—JVM Cluster
You can configure Release to save reports and logs on Amazon S3 instead of the local file system. Here's how you can configure S3 storage and move your existing data if necessary.
Trial install
This topic describes how to install a trial version of Release.
Troubleshoot the Release Service
This topic describes how to troubleshoot the Release service.
Upgrade Release - JVM
This topic describes the prerequisites, process and considerations for upgrading to the latest version of Release.