Create a Release From a Git Repository
Using a Git trigger you can start a release that will execute an External Script task that contains a DSL. The External Script task should point to a file from a Git repository. You must provide HTTP/HTTPS access to the file with a direct link. HTTP authentication provides security.
Create a Release Trigger
Release triggers are an automated way to create and run a release. When you create a trigger for a release template and enable it, Release will execute the script associated with the trigger at a specified interval. When the trigger starts, it will create and start a new release from the template. A good example of a trigger is one that polls a source code management system like GitHub for a change and starts a release as a result.
Create Custom Trigger Types
You can use triggers to create and start new releases from within Release based on external events that you define. Release includes several defined trigger types that you can choose from the user interface. You can also define a new trigger type and associate it with a script to start releases based on other events.
Git Triggers
The Release Git trigger periodically polls a Git repository and triggers a release when it detects a new commit.
JFrog Triggers
The Release JFrog trigger allows Release to interact with JFrog repositories. It uses the Jfrog REST API to communicate and fetch information from JFrog repositories.
Navigate to a Trigger
This topic describes how to navigate to triggers in Release, including both generic navigation and specific navigation within folders.
Nexus Triggers
The Release Nexus trigger allows Release to interact with Sonatype Nexus repositories. It uses the Nexus Server REST API to communicate and fetch information from Nexus repositories.
Subversion Triggers
The Release SVN trigger periodically polls a Subversion repository and triggers a release when it detects a new commit.
Time-Based Triggers
This topic explains how to configure and manage the Time: Schedule trigger in Release.
Webhook Event Triggers
Webhook event triggers listen for events from event sources such as webhooks endpoints to create releases. Webhook event triggers: