Core Concepts Releases are at the heart of Release. A release represents a number of activities in a certain time period, with people working on them. Release allows you to plan, track, and execute releases automatically. It acts as a single source of truth for everyone who is involved in making the release a success.
Create Release Variables
You can use variables to manage information that you don't know in advance or that may change. Unlike global variables, release variables can only be used in the template or release in which they are created. You can create a release variable using the release flow editor or the Variables screen.
Folder Variables
You can use variables to manage information that you don't know in advance or that may change.
Get a Value From a Map Variable
To get a value from a release variable of type key-value map and use the value in a text field, add a Jython Script task that gets the value and stores it in another variable.
Global Variables
You can use variables to manage information that you don't know in advance or that may change. Global variables can be used in all templates and releases to manage shared information (unlike release variables, which are limited to a single release or template).
Revise Jira Issue Lists With Variables
This tutorial will show you how to use the extended variable mechanism to create a release that will:
Share Global Variables With Configuration Objects
In Release you can define configuration objects to store settings that will be used across many tasks, task types, or information that must be accessible in tasks but which the user configuring the task may not know. Common examples include connection information for Jenkins or JIRA servers, or remote hosts on which to execute scripts.
Variable Usage Example
For data that may change or that is not known in advance, Release provides a placeholder mechanism called variables.
When creating release templates, you will create tasks that contain information that varies based on the release. For example, you can have one generic release template that is used for the release process of several applications. Different releases based on this template will require different application names.