Format Panel for Box Plot Visualizations
You can select formatting options for a box plot visualization, such as whether to prevent points from overlapping, hide or display the mean and standard deviation, hide or display data labels, etc.
If you are formatting the visualization in Formatting Mode, you can also click an area of the box plot visualization to format it. The appropriate formatting options appear in the Format panel.
- Open an existing dossier that contains the box plot visualization you want to format.
- In the left toolbar, click Format .
- Select the area of the visualization you want to format from the first drop-down.
Title and Container
The following options are available to format the title, background, and borders in a visualization:
Show titlebar: Select the checkbox to display the visualization's title.
Font: Select font formatting options.
Fill Color: Select the background color of the visualization from the palette.
Outer Border: Select the style and color of the visualization's borders from the drop-down lists.
Box Plot Options
The following options are available to format box plots.
All Points: Select this checkbox to display all points in the box plot.
Jitter: Use the slider to select the minimum amount of space between points. This allows you to separate points, so they do not overlap.
Other Parameters: Select whether to hide the mean, view only the mean, or view both the mean and the standard deviation. The mean is represented by a single dashed line. The standard deviation is represented by dashed diagonal lines.
Data Labels
Values: Display data labels using the metric values associated with each graph item.
None: Hide data labels for graphs items.
Fit to bar: Automatically resize the font size of the data labels to fit the size of the bar.
Rotation: Enter the number of degrees in which you want to rotate the text clockwise (0-360).
Font: Select font formatting options.
Axis Lines and Labels
The following options are available to format the axes in a visualization.
Axis Labels
Select the axis to format from the drop-down.
Show Labels: Select this checkbox to show axis labels.
Font: Select font formatting options for the axis label text.
Rotation: Select whether to display the axis labels as Automatic (default), Vertical, or Horizontal. This option is only available if you are formatting the X axis.
Axis Lines
Select the axis lines to format from the drop-down.
Line: Select the style and color of the axis lines from the drop-downs.
Axis Titles
Select the axis titles to format from the drop-down.
Show Axis Title: Select this checkbox to show axis labels.
Font: Select font formatting options for the axis title text.
Grid Lines
Select options to format the grid lines from the drop-down.
Line: Select the style and color of the grid lines from the drop-downs.