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Version: 2025.04.02

Manage Applications

An application is any product or service that is connected to the Platform in order to provide federated user access. The created applications appear as links or bookmarks on the Overview page.

To add an application

  1. In the left navigation, click Applications.
    • Alternatively, you can click the Create application button on the Platform Overview page.
  2. Click Applications button.
  3. On the Select application page:
    1. In Select application, choose the type of application from the list. (For example, Release)
    2. In Instance name, enter the application's custom name. (For example, Release_demo)
    3. In URL, enter the application's URL.
    4. In Description, enter the application's description.
    5. Click Next.
  4. The Advanced configuration page is optional, and depending on the selection you made in the previous step, the majority of fields may be automatically filled in.
  5. Click Next.
  6. The Mappers page is optional, because mappers are automatically created as part of this process.
  7. Click Next.
  8. On the Get client ID and secret page, you can view a summary of the application details.
  9. Click Complete.

Integrate your Applications

Adding an application identifies it in the Platform, which is an integral part of fully integrating a product with the Platform.

However, there are additional steps necessary for fully configuring an end-to-end integration between the Platform and any product. See the following guides for more information, or contact customer support for further assistance.

How to Integrate Release with the Platform AgilitySync Documentation Deploy Documentation