SeeTestAutomation - Silent Installation
Please note that this tool is classified as a Legacy tool. We recommend transitioning to our updated solutions to maintain optimal performance and security in your workflows. For more information on this matter, please reach out to technical support .
Please note that this tool is classified as a legacy application. We recommend evaluating alternative, updated solutions to ensure optimal performance and security for your workflows.
For more information on that matter, contact technical support .
SeeTest Automation can be installed from a script or remotely without running the installer UI.
All of the following installation methods require the proper permissions. If you do not have them, please contact your system administrator.
Installing Locally on a Windows Machine
Step 1: Open cmd and navigate to the installer file directory.
Step 2: Run this command:
<installerFile>.exe -q
You can also use batch files that are located in the installer file folder.
Example: SeeTest_windows.exe -q
Using Varfile
If you want to add install with varfile (file that setsparameters for the installation) add:
-varfile <fileName>.varfile
Example: SeeTest_windows.exe -q -varfile response.varfile
Varfile of experitest programs can be foudn in the program folder->.install4j->response.varfile
Installing Locally on a Mac Machine
Step 1: Double-click on the .dmg file to open the installer app.
Step 2: Right-click on the folder name below > Services > New Terminal at Folder
Step 3: Run this command:
sudo '<Installer name>.app'/Contents/MacOS/JavaApplicationStub -q
Example: sudo 'Experitest Cloud'/Contents/MacOS/JavaApplicationStub -q
Step 4: Enter password.
Silent Installation on Remote Machines
From Windows to Windows
Make sure that all the remote computers are on the same domain.
Step 1: Download PSTools and extract the .zip file to a folder.
Step 2: Create a text file that contains computer IPs, Windows UserNames, and Windows Passwords.
Step 3: Copy the installer and the text file to the PSTools folder.
Step 4: Open cmd and navigate to the PSTools folder (or create batch files in this folder).
Step 5: Run this command from cmd or batch file (.bat extantion):
for /F "tokens=1-3* delims=," %A in ('type <textFile>.txt') do (psexec -h \\%A -u <DOMAIN>\%B -p %C -c <installerFile>.exe -q)
Example: for /F "tokens=1-3* delims=," %A in ('type list.txt') do (psexec -h \\%A -u experitest\%B -p %C -c SeeTestManual.exe -q)
If you are using a batch file, you need to write it with double '%'. Example: for /F "tokens=1-3* delims=," %A in ('type list.txt') do (psexec -h \\%A -u experitest\%B -p %C -c SeeTestManual.exe -q)
Using Server Admin
If you have server admin you can use the username and password for all the computers. Example:
psexec -h \\@<textFile>.txt -u experitest\<serverAdminName> -p <serverAdminPassword> -c <installerFile>.exe -q)
In that case the text file should contain only IP.
From windows to Mac
Remote Login must be enabled in the destination Mac. In order to enable remote login, go to System Preferences > Sharing, and check the option "Remote Login"
Step 1: Download pscp.exe
Step2: Open CMD and navigate to the folder containing pscp.
Step 3: Run the following command from cmd in order to copy the installer (.dmg file) to the destination folder:
pscp <Full Path To File> <User Name>@<Remote Mac IP>:<Destination Path>
Example: pscp C:\Users\experitestPC\Desktop\SeeTest.dmg Experitest@
Step 4: Enter your password and wait for the copying process to finish.
Step 5 (Optional): This step is necessary only if you want to install SeeTest Automation in a different folder then the current installation folder of SeeTest Automation, or if SeeTest Automation was never installed on this Mac.
Step 6: Download Putty.exe
Step 7: Open Putty (DoubleClick), enter the Remote Mac's IP, select SSH and click open.
Step 8: A terminal window will open, enter username and password.
Step 9: Navigate to the library containing the .dmg and .var files you have copied.
Step 10: Run The following command:
hdiutil mount <Full Path To File>
Example: hdiutil mount /Users/Experitest/SeeTest_macos.dmg
Step 11: Run The following command:
sudo /Volumes/SeeTest/SeeTestAutomation\ -q
From Mac to Mac
Remote login must be enabled in the destination Mac. In order to enable remote login, go to System Preferences > Sharing, and check the option "Remote Login"
Run these commands:
scp -r <origin> USER@IP:<Destination>
ssh <user name>:<destination IP>
hdiutil mount <Full Path To File>
sudo /Volumes/SeeTest/SeeTestAutomation\ -q
scp -r /User/LocalMAC/Desktop/SeeTest.dmg tester@
ssh tester@
hdiutil mount /Users/Experitest/SeeTest_macos.dmg
sudo /Volumes/SeeTest/SeeTestAutomation\ -q