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SeeTestAutomation - Using JUnit


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We will now demonstrate how to export the JUnit4 rendition of our test script into a Java environment, where we will edit and then run it. Once again, the test script is used in this example is that prepared for the Eri-Bank application in Session 2.

Perform the  following steps:

Step 1: With the test script from Session 2 loaded in your SeeTestAutomation, click the Code tab directly below the script display.

Step 2: From the popup list, select the language in which the script is to be rendered. In this example, we will choose Java (junit4).

Step 3: Copy the entire junit4 rendition of the script to your clipboard by clicking the Copy to Clipboard icon.

Step 4: Paste the code you have just copied into an Eclipse shell.

Step 5: Within the Eclipse shell, add the SeeTestAutomation's JARs into the project.

  1. Right-click the project's Sandbox folder and choose the Properties command.

  2. In the Properties for Sandbox dialog box that is now displayed, select Java Build Path in the pane on the left side of the window and click the Add External JARs button.

  3. Navigate to the Experitest folder, and from there go to Clients -> Java, select all 5 JARs, and click OK.

Step 6: Modify the JUnit4 rendition of the test script, creating a loop which will cause the test to be run 100 times, as depicted below.

Step 7: Run the test by clicking the Play button. (If necessary, change the value of the public class so that it will match the class name.)