Test execution details
The Test execution details dataset offers vital insights into software testing, aiding teams in monitoring progress, identifying improvement areas, and assessing product quality. As a Quality Assurance Manager, it helps track test execution, assess test case effectiveness, and gauge application stability. Key scenarios include analyzing test coverage, monitoring release stability, identifying defects' root causes, optimizing resource allocation, and driving continuous improvement initiatives. This dataset helps you gain insights into business scenarios such as:
- View the trend of test executions across the test application platform
- View the test execution status by devices and the execution report details
- Understand the test execution overview at various application levels and the test device execution details
The following are the components of this dataset:
Attribute Name | Description |
Application Build Version | The build version of the test application |
Application Platform Name | Name of the mobile platform |
Application Release Version | The release version of the test application |
Calendar Month | Gregorian calendar date displayed in the format ‘D/M/YYYY’ |
Date | Gregorian calendar date displayed in the format ' YYYY' |
Device Name | Name of the device, such as iPad Air or Galaxy S5 |
Month | Gregorian calendar month displayed in the format 'Mon YYYY' |
Project | Name of the project |
Sys_source | Unique identifier for the source |
Test | Name of the test |
Test application | Application that is being tested |
Test device | Name of the test device |
Test Device Category | Category of the test device, such as Phone or Tablet |
Test Device Manufacturer | Manufacturer of the device on which the test is run |
Test Device Model | Model of the device on which the test is run |
Test Device OS | Operating system version of the device on which the test is run |
Test Device Screen size | Screen size of the device on which the test is run |
Test Execution Cause | Root cause for the test execution failure |
Test Execution environment | Environment in which a test is taking place |
Test execution report url | Combination of test url and name |
Test execution status | Current status of the test execution |
Test number | Unique identifier for the test |
Metric Name | Description |
% Failed Test Executions | Percentage of test executions that are failed, out of total test executions created. |
No. of Test Executions | Total count of test executions |
No. of Failed Test Executions | Count of test executions that have failed |
No. of Passed Test Executions | Count of test executions that have passed |