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Reservation details

The reservation details dataset comprehensively records all reservations made within the cloud environment, enabling cloud administrators to track resource utilization, manage costs, monitor compliance, and optimize resource allocation efficiently. It has attributes and metrics like reservation ID, reservation date, reservation duration, and reservation status. This dataset helps you gain insights into business scenarios such as:

  • How many reservations without a session exist per project and user? What is the amount of time spent without a session per project and user?
  • What is the trend of reservation per user for a selected project?

The following are the components of this dataset:


Attribute NameDescription
Calendar MonthGregorian calendar month displayed in the format 'Mon YYYY'
ReservationUnique number of reservation
Reservation dateDate when a reservation was made or initiated within the cloud environment
Reservation environmentEnvironment in which reservation is done
Reservation ProjectThe project for which the device is reserved
Reserved ByThe project or user who reserved the device
Session flagFlag type of the session
Sys_sourceUnique identifier for the source


Metric NameDescription
Rank of scheduled durationPrioritization is assigned to the scheduled duration within the context of device reservation
Scheduled DurationScheduled time for which a resource or service is reserved
Scheduled Duration (Hours)Time duration between Scheduled Reservation Start Date to Scheduled Reservation End Date in hours