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Session details

The session details dataset provides comprehensive insights into user activity and session management within the cloud environment. It enables cloud administrators to monitor user behavior, identify security threats, troubleshoot issues, and ensure compliance with access policies and regulations. This dataset helps you gain insights into business scenarios such as:

  • Is there any device that is not used for any tests in my cloud? Should I encourage my tester to test or replace it with another device?
  • Is there any device that is used for many tests in my cloud? Should I add more devices with this model/version?
  • What kind of test is run for each project in the cloud?
  • What is the trend of my license usage in the cloud?

The following are the components of this dataset:


Attribute NameDescription
Calendar dateGregorian calendar date displayed in the format ‘M/D/YYYY’
Calendar MonthGregorian calendar month displayed in the format 'Mon YYYY'
DeviceName of the device
Lagging count of monthsCount of number of months since the first data record till the current month
ReservationUnique number of reservation
Scheduled start dateDate when a session is planned or scheduled to begin
SessionId of the session
Session environmentEnvironment in which a session is taking place
Session projectProject associated with the session's activities
Session statusStatus of the session
Session typeType of the session
Sys_sourceUnique identifier for the source


Metric NameDescription
Rank of session durationPrioritization is assigned to the session duration within the context of device reservation
Rank of session duration descriptionDescription of the session duration rank
Session durationTime that a session remains active or in progress
Session Duration (Hours)Time duration between Session created to session closed time in hours