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Performance transaction details

The performance transaction details dataset provides comprehensive data and insights into the performance of various transactions within an application. This dataset is crucial for identifying bottlenecks, understanding user behavior, and ensuring that the application meets performance standards.

You can analyze the following business scenarios using the performance transaction details dataset:

  • Identify specific devices or builds in which performance lags, enabling targeted optimization efforts.
  • Review the user flows are smooth and efficient across all devices and builds, enhancing overall user satisfaction.
  • Identify performance regressions between builds early, allowing for timely fixes before release.
  • Validate that new features or updates do not negatively impact performance.
  • Use data-driven insights to decide whether a build is ready for release based on its performance metrics.
  • Allocate development resources effectively by focusing on areas with the greatest performance improvements needed.

The following are the components of this dataset:

Attribute NameDescription
ApplicationName of the application
Application versionVersion number of the application
Created dateDate on which the transaction is created
Device manufacturerManufacturer of the device
Device modelModel of the device
Device nameName of the device, such as iPad Air or Galaxy S5
Device OSOperating system version of the device
Last refresh dateDate of the most recent update or refresh of data in a dataset. It is in date format
Performance transactionUnique identifier of the performance transaction
Performance transaction nameName of the performance transaction
ProjectName of the project
Metric NameDescription
Battery average usageAverage battery consumption of a device on a specific set of transactions within a specific project
CPU average usageAverage utilization of the CPU during a specified set of transactions within a specific project
DurationThe average duration of transactions within a specific project
Memory average usageAverage utilization of memory across multiple transactions within a specific project
Speed indexAverage speed index across multiple transactions within a specific project
Total downloaded bytesThe average volume of data downloaded over multiple transactions within a specific project
Total uploaded bytesThe average volume of data uploaded over multiple transactions within a specific project