Clearing iOS Application Data
Please note that this tool is classified as a Legacy tool. We recommend transitioning to our updated solutions to maintain optimal performance and security in your workflows. For more information on this matter, please reach out to technical support .
Supported only on applications signed for development
Some of the capabilities required instrumentation from 12.2
Application's Permissions (such as Camera / Notifications / Location permissions) will not be cleared using clearApplicationData command. Clearing these will require reinstallation or manual management via the Settings app
Will clear application data of the following types:
Application's Container - All files created by the application
Application's Group Container * - All files created by the application's groups, as listed in its Info.plist (supported only for Instrumented app).
Application's Defaults - User defaults configured by the application
Application's Settings * - Special type of user defaults that are configured by the developer in the 'Settings.bundle' and stored in the device settings app (supported only for Instrumented app)
Application Group Keychain Items * - Passwords, keys and other types of data stored in the device keychain (supported only for Instrumented app)
- Will take affect on the next launch of the application
Code Examples
client.ApplicationClearData "com.experitest.ExperiBank/.LoginActivity"