Auto Trust iOS Enterprise Applications
Note - This guide is designed for iOS devices up to and including iOS 17. For devices running iOS 18 and above, a different solution is required. For more information, please reach out to our Support Team.
Typically, after installing an Enterprise distributed build on iOS Devices, the profile needs to be trusted manually via the Device Settings which includes multiple clicks and can be tedious, otherwise, you will see the infamous popup of “Untrusted Enterprise Developer” when attempting to open the Application:
In our 24.8 Release, we’ve made it significantly easier to test on iOS Enterprise Applications by automating the auto trust process completely!
Let’s take a look at how it works.
Preparing the iOS Application
The iOS Application must be uploaded via the REST API, otherwise the auto-trust process is not recognized.Upload the iOS Application via our REST API.
Here is the sample Postman request and the parameters required:
To understand this request better- Ensure that the request is a POST request, pointing to the platform URL, with the end-point “api/v1/applications/new“:
POST - {{cloud_url}}/api/v1/applications/new
Parameter Definitions :
Key | Type | Value | Description |
file | file | enterprise_build.ipa | the IPA file for the Enterprise Build |
allowResign | boolean | false | Setting the value to false ensures that the application is not tampered with which could interfere with the trust process |
autoTrustEnterpriseDeveloper | boolean | true | This enables the auto-trust process |
uniqueName | String | string_combination | Any string combination, this will help us to identify the application later by a unique name |
Once the request is sent, a successful JSON response will be returned-
"status": "SUCCESS",
"code": "OK",
"data": {
"id": "<id>",
"created": "true",
"name": "com.experitest.UICatalog",
"buildVersion": "9854",
"releaseVersion": "1.0"
The build is now available in the Applications page.
Install the Application
To install the iOS Application on an iOS Device, naviate to the Devices Page and select an iOS Device:
Open Application Manager to view all available builds. Since a uniqueName was used as part of the API call, search for the specific build to install:
Installing the Application now triggers the auto-trust process automatically:
Appium Automation Note - If you are running Appium Tests and the script requires an Application install for an iOS Enterprise distributed build, the same auto-process will happen automatically during the installation process, without any manual intervention. You can install the Application with the uniqueName reference from your Appium Tests: Supported Capabilities for Appium.