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65 docs tagged with "project_admin_tasks"

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Add a Parent Project to Your Project

A parent project is the base from which a subproject's members, user groups and roles, with their corresponding permissions, are derived. A subproject can inherit project members, user groups and roles from its parent project.

Add a Parent Project to Your Project

A parent project is the base from which a subproject's members, user groups and roles, with their corresponding permissions, are derived. A subproject can inherit project members, user groups and roles from its parent project.

Add Binaries to TeamForge Projects

When TeamForge Site Administrator has made the Binaries application available, Project Administrators can add it as one of their project tools.

Advanced Reporting and Datamart Access

Using external reporting and OLAP tools, query the datamart directly and generate reports. The database schema diagrams provide the means to create advanced query scripts to extract required information from the datamart.

Build Your Project Pages (Project Page Component, Publishing Repository)

Project members and other users need to know how to interact with your project. You can give them the information and tools they need by creating and maintaining a project website tailored to them. You can build your project home page from the ground up and assemble it from building blocks provided by TeamForge.

Categorize a Project

Organizing projects by categories can help users find what they need on a site quickly and easily.

Check Command History

Recent command history for a replica server or a specific repository allows you to check for errors and see whether there are pending commands.

Check Out Code

You can use the checkout command to check out the code from Subversion or GIT repository.

Create a Planning Folder

As a project admin or as a user with the appropriate permissions, create and populate all the planning folders you need to capture the work you are planning.

Create a Source Code Repository

Each project can have one or more source code repositories. Before you can create a source code repository, a site administrator must first add one or more SCM servers to the TeamForge environment.

Create a TeamForge Project

Create a new project when you have identified work to be done that has its own distinct character, dependencies or schedule.

Customize TeamForge

You can redesign some aspects of your site to suit your organization's needs and preferences.

Define the Scope of Your Project

Defining scope is an iterative, interactive process. As you go through it, you'll find elements of your scope expanding, shrinking or changing shape in response to feedback from analyzing and planning out the work.

Edit a Project

As a project administrator in TeamForge Lab Management, you can edit certain properties for your project.

Export Planning Folder Artifacts

To use the contents of artifacts from a planning folder in other applications, export them to a CSV, XML, XSLX formats or tab-delimited file.

Get the Code

Browse TeamForge to find the code you want to work on, then check out the code.

Handle a Request for Project Membership

A registered TeamForge user can ask to be a member of a project. As the project administrator, it's up to you to approve or reject such requests.

Linkify Custom Object IDs in Code Browser

Include custom object IDs in your commit messages and have them automatically converted to hyperlinks. This is possible if you set up custom object ID mapping for the repository.

Manage the Document Settings

The document management system is a centralized repository for creating, storing, and managing information about a project. Project members with the Document Admin permission can create, edit and administer documents and document folders. In addition to the Document Admin permission, individual permissions to create, edit and delete documents, and document folders can also be set so that project members who do not have the Document Admin permission can still perform these tasks.

Manage Your Project Teams

The Team feature, as the name implies, enables you to create logical groups of team members to carry out project activities more efficiently in an agile environment. Using the Team list view, you can create, edit, delete and view teams at the project level.

Monitor Project Output

Regularly test and measure the features your team produces, involving real users as much as possible.

Move a Planning Folder

A planning folder's position may reflect scheduling changes in relation to the work contained in other planning folders.

Planning Folder Overview

A planning folder is a way to organize work into feasible chunks and monitor its progress. As a project admin or as a user with the appropriate permissions, create and populate all the planning folders you need to capture the work you are planning.

Quality Gates and Review Rules

This topic discusses quality gates and review rules from an administrator perspective. It also discusses some of the known issues with the project level `` file and how to work around them.

Reallocate a System

To enable a project member to use a system, you must reallocate the system to that user.

Remove a User from a Project

When you remove a user from a project, all items such as tasks and tracker artifacts that were assigned to the user are re-assigned to None.

Reorder Planning Folders

When the sequence of work in your project changes, it's a good idea to reorder the planning folders so that they accurately reflect the real order or work.

Replicate a Subversion Repository

When a Subversion Edge replica has been successfully registered with a TeamForge SCM integration server, it is available to project administrators in projects using that server to house repositories. To replicate a Subversion repository, you need to add it to a replica server.

Reporting in TeamForge

Generate a report to get a snapshot of what is going on in a project. You can generate reports on data stored in both TeamForge's production (operational) database or datamart. Datamart, also known as the Reporting database, is build by extracting, transforming and loading (ETL) TeamForge's production data to a separate database (datamart) at regular intervals.

Set up Kanban Board

The Kanban Board is a project management tool, which gives you a snapshot of the work items, in which states they are, how they are progressing and if there is any bottleneck to be cleared for a smooth delivery of the product on time.

Set up Planning Board

The Planning Board is an important tool for your TeamForge project's agile planning activities. It enables you to plan and monitor the features that are required in each sprint (or iteration), and assign them from the product backlog to specific sprints.

Set up Tags

Creating tags and tagging items such as documents, artifacts and so on can aid in classification, marking ownership of work items, marking items as milestones, releases and requirements, and so on. Project Administrators can set up tags to be used by project members in a project. However, project members with CREATE/EDIT permissions can create tags, if required.

Set up Task Board

Task board is an important tool in the Agile process. It helps the team to focus on the work at hand in the current sprint and feed progress data back into the system.

Set up Trackers

A Tracker is a collection of related artifacts that describe work to be done or issues to be resolved. Every project should have one or more trackers. When you start a tracker, you decide which fields will be used, who will use them, and how they will use them.

Set up Webhooks for Projects

Webhooks can be configured both at a project level or for select repositories. Once set up, SCM events such as commit and merge are published to the Webhooks for other applications to consume.

Set up Webhooks for Repositories

Webhooks can be configured both at a project level or for select repositories. Once set up, SCM events such as commit and merge are published to the Webhooks for other applications to consume.

Set up Webhooks for Tracker Artifacts (Pre-submit and Post-submit Webhooks)

Create pre-submit webhooks to enforce business rules on tracker artifacts and post-submit webhooks to deliver (custom-formatted) event messages to other tools. These webhooks are triggered when certain tracker events occur such as artifact create, update, move, clone or delete. You must have Project Admin permissions to set up pre-submit and post-submit webhooks.

The New Trackers UI (Beta)

A Tracker is a collection of related artifacts that describe work to be done or issues to be resolved. Every project should have one or more trackers.

Update a Planning Folder

A planning folder is a dynamic representation of a changing situation. From time to time, you'll want to update its name, description and other parameters to reflect changes in the underlying work.

UserFilter Removal

The `UserFilter` removal from the Quality Gates is a direct outcome of the removal of the `current_user` predicate from the open source Gerrit.

Work with the Internal Code Browser

For Subversion and Git repositories, you have the option to use the TeamForge code browser which is turned on by default while integrating the source code server.