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Version: TeamForge 24.0

Upgrade TeamForge on the Same Hardware in a Distributed Multi-host Setup

In this distributed setup, TeamForge services are distributed across multiple servers as illustrated in the following table.

TeamForge Application Server
TeamForge Database Server
Review Board Server
SCM Server
Code Search Server
Baseline Server
ctfcorectfcore-databasereviewboard 1subversioncodesearchbaseline2

Dos and Don'ts

Here's a list of dos, don'ts and points to remember when you install or upgrade TeamForge.

One-hop Upgrade Compatibility

Though the TeamForge 24.0 installer supports one-hop upgrade from TeamForge 22.1 or later versions, TeamForge 24.0 upgrade instructions, in general, are for upgrading from TeamForge 23.1 (including update releases, if any) to TeamForge 24.0 .

There is no support for one-hop upgrade from TeamForge 22.0 or earlier to TeamForge 24.0 . You must upgrade your site to TeamForge 22.1 or later and then upgrade to TeamForge 24.0 .

Before You Begin—Generate New TeamForge License

TeamForge has a new licensing framework starting from TeamForge 21.1. If you are upgrading from TeamForge 21.0 or earlier to TeamForge 21.1 or later, you must get the new TeamForge license and add it to your site before upgrading to TeamForge 21.1 or later. Contact Support to get the new TeamForge license for your site before you run the teamforge provision command. The teamforge provision command fails otherwise.

Before You Begin—CVS End-of-Life

CVS is no longer supported by TeamForge 20.2 and later. You must migrate your CVS repositories to any of the other supported SCM tool (Git/SVN for example) when you upgrade to TeamForge 20.2 or later.

  1. Undeploy CVS on the TeamForge SCM server that runs CVS. Do this after you stop the TeamForge services while upgrading to TeamForge 20.2 or later versions on the same hardware. Skip this step in case of new hardware upgrades.

    teamforge undeploy -s cvs
  2. Remove cvs from the host:SERVICES token of the site-options.conf file (on all the TeamForge servers), failing which the teamforge provision command aborts with an error.

Before You Begin—EventQ End-of-Life

EventQ as a TeamForge service is no longer supported and is completely removed from TeamForge 20.0 (and later). There are a few things to consider in case you have been using EventQ and are upgrading to TeamForge 20.0 or later. For more information, see EventQ End of Life.

Before You Begin—chmod /svnroot

Do this before you stop TeamForge while upgrading to TeamForge 18.2 or later versions.

Get value of SUBVERSION_REPOSITORY_BASE from the /opt/collabnet/teamforge/runtime/conf/runtime-options.conf file of your existing TeamForge server and run the following command:


Where $SUBVERSION_REPOSITORY_BASE is the path to the /svnroot directory.

This is required to work around the unusually long time taken to migrate the Subversion data during the first run of the teamforge provision command.

The following instructions are valid for RHEL 8.10 platforms. Specific steps, if applicable only for a particular RHEL/CentOS platform, are called out explicitly.
No backup is required for same hardware upgrades. However, you can create a backup as a precaution. See Back up and Restore TeamForge Database, Data Directories and site-options.conf.

Uninstall Custom Event Handlers, Hot Fixes and Add-ons

Log on to the TeamForge Application Server.

  1. SOAP 50 is no longer supported. Back up all your custom event handlers and remove all the event handler JAR files before starting your TeamForge upgrade process.
    1. Go to My Workspace > Admin.
    2. Click System Tools from the Projects menu.
    3. Click Customizations.
    4. Select the custom event handler and click Delete.

    Post upgrade, you can add custom event handlers again from the backup while making sure that you don't have SOAP50 (deprecated) library used.

  2. Uninstall hotfixes and add-ons, if any, installed on your site.

yum upgrade

  1. Stop TeamForge.


    Stop TeamForge on all the servers in a distributed setup.

    teamforge stop
  2. Upgrade the operating system packages.

    yum upgrade

    Run yum upgrade on all the servers.

Configure the TeamForge Installation Repository

Upgrade the TeamForge Services

  1. Install the TeamForge application services on the TeamForge Application Server (server-01).
    yum install teamforge

Install Monit.


If you haven't already installed the latest version of the Monit application, download it here.

  1. Download Monit for

    • RHEL 8.x from the EPEL repository.

      rpm -ivh epel-release-latest-8.noarch.rpm
  2. Install Monit.

    yum install monit

Install the Baseline packages on the TeamForge Application Server (server-01) if you are installing TeamForge Baseline.

yum install teamforge-baseline
  1. Install the database and baseline packages on the TeamForge Database Server (server-02).

    yum install teamforge-baseline

    The yum install teamforge-baseline command installs both the database and baseline packages. In case you don't install the TeamForge Baseline, you must use the yum install teamforge-database command to install the database packages.

  2. Install the Review Board services on the Review Board Server (server-03).

    yum install teamforge
  3. Install the SCM services on the SCM Server (server-04).

    yum install teamforge-scm teamforge-git
  4. Install the Code Search service on the Code Search Server (server-05).

    yum install teamforge-codesearch
  5. Install the Baseline packages on the Baseline Server (server-06).

    yum install teamforge-baseline

Disable OID While Upgrading to TeamForge 22.0 or later

Do this on the Database Server (server-02) if you are upgrading from TeamForge 21.2 or earlier to TeamForge 22.0 or later.

TeamForge 22.0 supports PostgreSQL 13.15. As a result, you must run the /opt/collabnet/teamforge/dist/scripts/ script to disable the object identifiers (OIDs) before provisioning TeamForge services.


Set up the site-options.conf File

  1. Log on to the TeamForge Database Server (server-02) and set up the site-options.conf file.


    See Site Options Change Log for a list of site option changes. While upgrading to a latest TeamForge release, make sure that obsolete site option tokens, if any, are removed from the site-options.conf file of the TeamForge version you are upgrading to.

    vi /opt/collabnet/teamforge/etc/site-options.conf

    host:SERVICES Token

    server-01:SERVICES=ctfcore service-monitor search mail etl binary reviewboard-adapter cliserver webr
    server-02:SERVICES=ctfcore-database ctfcore-datamart gerrit-database binary-database reviewboard-database webr-database
    server-04:SERVICES=subversion gerrit
    server-06:SERVICES=baseline baseline-post-install baseline-database

Remove server-06 in case you are not installing TeamForge Baseline. :::

Save the site-options.conf file.

For further customization of your site configuration (SSL settings, password policy settings, PostgreSQL settings, LDAP settings and so on):

  1. Provision services.

    teamforge provision

    TeamForge 24.0 installer expects the system locale to be LANG=en_US.UTF-8. TeamForge create runtime (teamforge provision) fails otherwise.

  2. Copy the /opt/collabnet/teamforge/etc/site-options.conf file from the TeamForge Database Server (server-02) to the /opt/collabnet/teamforge/etc/ directory of all other servers.


Copy the SSL certificate file, SSL chain file, and the TeamForge site's private RSA key file from the TeamForge Application Server (from the path as specified in the site-options.conf tokens SSL_CERT_FILE, SSL_CHAIN_FILE, and SSL_KEY_FILE to Subversion, Gerrit, and Baseline servers.

Provision Services on All the Servers

TeamForge 16.10 and earlier versions use Oracle JDK. As TeamForge 19.2 and later use OpenJDK, the TeamForge installer checks if Oracle JDK is present when you upgrade to TeamForge 19.2 or later—and if found—would error out when you provision TeamForge. You must uninstall Oracle JDK and proceed.

Run the following command to uninstall Oracle JDK:

rpm -e jdk1.8.0_74-1.8.0_74-fcs.x86_64

  1. Provision services.

    teamforge provision

    TeamForge 24.0 installer expects the system locale to be LANG=en_US.UTF-8. TeamForge create runtime (teamforge provision) fails otherwise.

    You must provision services in a particluar sequence. Usually you start with the Database Server, followed by the Application Server and then by other servers such as SCM, Review Board and Code Search servers.
    The TeamForge installer derives this sequence from your site-options.conf file and shows you the order of provisioning servers when you try to provision one of the distributed servers. Follow the exact sequence as instructed.

Provisioning Sequence without Baseline

  1. Provision the Application Server (server-01)
  2. Provision the SCM server (server-04)
  3. Provision the Review Board Server (server-03)
  4. Provision the Code Search Server (server-05)

Provisioning Sequence with Baseline

  1. Provision the Application Server (server-01)
  2. Provision the Baseline Server (server-06)
  3. Copy the /opt/collabnet/teamforge/etc/site-options.conf file from the TeamForge Baseline Server (server-06) to the /opt/collabnet/teamforge/etc/ directory of all other servers.
  4. Provision the Database Server (server-02) again
  5. Provision the Application Server (server-01) again
  6. Provision the SCM server (server-04)
  7. Provision the Review Board Server (server-03)
  8. Provision the Code Search Server (server-05)

Delete Existing Elastic Search Indexes While Upgrading to TeamForge 22.0 or later

TeamForge 22.0 uses Elastic Search 7.16.3 to address the Log4j dependent vulnerabilities. As a result, you must delete the existing Elastic Search indexes as they might not be compatible with Elastic Search 7.16.3. The Elastic Search service would fail in this case. Use the /opt/collabnet/teamforge/runtime/scripts/ script to delete the existing indexes. You must restart the Elastic Search service after deleting the old indexes. For more information, see TeamForge upgrade instructions.

While the existing ELASTICSEARCH_JAVA_OPTS token is still supported to configure the JAVA_OPTS values, the following tokens have been added to configure the minimum and maximum heap size for Elastic Search.


In other words, in TeamForge 21.2 and earlier, you just had to configure ELASTICSEARCH_JAVA_OPTS=-Xms2g -Xmx2g -Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true.

Whereas, in TeamForge 22.0 and later, you must configure:

  • ELASTICSEARCH_JAVA_OPTS=-Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true

Reinitialize TeamForge

  1. Reinitialize TeamForge on the Review Board Server.

    teamforge reinitialize
  2. During teamforge provision, the Register SCM integration process fails on sites that use self-signed certificates. Perform these steps in such cases.

    1. Restart JBoss on the TeamForge Application Server.
      teamforge restart -s jboss
    2. Reinitialize TeamForge on the SCM Server.
      teamforge reinitialize

    Do you have Git and other SCM tools (SVN) on two separate servers?
    Git and other SCM tools (SVN) are typically installed on a server dedicated for SCM. However, if you have Git and SCM (SVN) installed on two separate servers, restart Jboss on the TeamForge Application Server and reinitialize TeamForge on the SCM Server (SVN server) as discussed earlier. In addition, you must also restart TeamForge on the Git Server.

    Restart TeamForge on the Git Server: teamforge restart

Finishing Tasks

  • Verify TeamForge upgrade.

    1. Reboot the server and make sure all services come up automatically at startup.
    2. Log on to the TeamForge web application using the default Admin credentials.
      • Username: admin
      • Password: admin
    3. If your site has custom branding, verify that your branding changes still work as intended. See Customize TeamForge.
    4. Let your site's users know they've been upgraded. See Create a Site-wide Broadcast.

Post Upgrade Tasks

Also See...


  1. TeamForge 24.0 supports Review Board 4.0.6 on RHEL 8.10 and AlmaLinux 8.10.

  2. It's highly recommended that you install the TeamForge Baseline services on a separate server as the baselining process can consume considerable CPU and database resources.

  3. Synchronizes the user information between the baseline database and TeamForge database.

  4. reviewboard-adapter must always be installed on the TeamForge Application Server.