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Version: TeamForge 23.1

Manage Binary Repositories

Create a Binary Artifact Repository


Before you can create a repository for binary artifacts, a site administrator must set up TeamForge-Nexus integration and add one or more binary servers to your TeamForge site.

  1. Click BINARIES from the Project Home menu.
  2. Select Create Nexus3 Repository from Create Repository drop-down list. You are redirected to Nexus 3 application.

    TeamForge-Nexus 3 integration does not support creating a repository from within TeamForge Binaries page.

  3. Create the repository from within the Nexus 3 application.

The binary repository is created.

You can link existing binary artifact repositories, if any, to your project.


Earlier, only project admins can link the repository to a project. From TeamForge 18.2, any user with the permission to create repositories can link the repository to a project.

  1. Click BINARIES from the Project Home menu.
  2. Click Link Existing Repository.
  3. Select a repository from the list of binary repositories and click Link to Project.

Delete a Binary Artifact Repository

You must have the required permission to delete binary repositories. As a project admin, you can use the delete option only to unlink the repository from a project. If you want to delete a repository from the Nexus, login as a Nexus admin.

  1. Click BINARIES from the Project Home menu.
  2. In the list of the repositories, select the repository you want to delete and click Delete. The following confirmation message appears:
    This repository will no longer be accessible. Your site administrator can relink it later. Are you sure you want to unlink this repository?
  3. Click OK to delete.

The repository is deleted.


This deletion dissociates the repository from your project; only the Site Admin can reinstate the repository.