Approve or Reject a Source Control Repository Request
When a user requests a source code repository on a source control server for which you have required approval, a TeamForge administrator must approve the request before the repository is created.
When a user requests a source code repository on a source control server for which you have required approval, a TeamForge administrator must approve the request before the repository is created.
When a user asks for access to an unmanaged SCM server, an administrator must approve or reject the request.
SCM system maintenance requests (such as a repository delete request) must be approved (or rejected) by an administrator.
Create associations between code commits and other TeamForge items, such as tracker artifacts or documents, to help define relationships, track dependencies, and enforce workflow rules.
It is recommended to change the scmviewer password after installing TeamForge.
Recent command history for a replica server or a specific repository allows you to check for errors and see whether there are pending commands.
You can use the checkout command to check out the code from Subversion or GIT repository.
When a Subversion Edge server has been converted to a SCM Integration server in TeamForge, you can log into its management console from within TeamForge.
You can control all Gerrit Code Review features directly from TeamForge by specifying a code review policy.
Each project can have one or more source code repositories. Before you can create a source code repository, a site administrator must first add one or more SCM servers to the TeamForge environment.
When you delete a repository, a request is submitted to the administrator for approval.
You can move or reconfigure a source control server without having to reintegrate the server into TeamForge.
Browse TeamForge to find the code you want to work on, then check out the code.
External public Git repositories can now be imported into TeamForge from the Code Browser UI.
A site must have one or more servers to handle source code repositories and users. The source code server can be the same server as the application server or a separate server.
Include custom object IDs in your commit messages and have them automatically converted to hyperlinks. This is possible if you set up custom object ID mapping for the repository.
A replica server in TeamForge is a Subversion Edge server that replicates the content of an existing core SCM integration server.
You may often want to apply a specific set of policies to more than one repository. You can just select multiple repositories within a project and apply your policies in one go.
When the existing code base for an application may need to be managed by a different team or project, you can move the source code repository from the first project into the other one.
The script is used to get the encrypted or decrypted password value for the user scmviewer.
This topic discusses quality gates and review rules from an administrator perspective. It also discusses some of the known issues with the project level `` file and how to work around them.
When a Subversion Edge replica has been successfully registered with a TeamForge SCM integration server, it is available to project administrators in projects using that server to house repositories. To replicate a Subversion repository, you need to add it to a replica server.
TeamForge provides a unified code review experience as it supports both Pull Request and Gerrit single-commit reviews.
Integration with Black Duck Code Sight (BDCS) is no longer supported in TeamForge 17.1 and later. TeamForge 17.1 (and later) is equipped with its own code search function powered by Elasticsearch. You can do away with BDCS integration while upgrading to TeamForg 17.1 (and later) and set up TeamForge Code Search, which is now one of the integral services of TeamForge. This section discussions the features of TeamForge Code Search and what it takes to set up Code Search on your site.
Git Large File Storage (LFS) is a Git extension for versioning large files. Git LFS replaces large files such as audio samples, videos, datasets, and graphics with text pointers inside Git, while storing the file contents on a separate server (typically a remote server).
Any time you upgrade your TeamForge site or a source control application, you must ensure that your users can still access their source code.
This topic discusses the mappings between TeamForge and Gerrit, Gerrit access rights, directory structure, connectivity, logs and configuration properties, and differences compared to vanilla Gerrit.
The `UserFilter` removal from the Quality Gates is a direct outcome of the removal of the `current_user` predicate from the open source Gerrit.
To stay up to date with code development on a project, browse the code commits made to each repository integrated into your TeamForge site.
For Subversion and Git repositories, you have the option to use the TeamForge code browser which is turned on by default while integrating the source code server.