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51 docs tagged with "project_member_tasks"

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Advanced Reporting and Datamart Access

Using external reporting and OLAP tools, query the datamart directly and generate reports. The database schema diagrams provide the means to create advanced query scripts to extract required information from the datamart.

Associate Code Commits

Create associations between code commits and other TeamForge items, such as tracker artifacts or documents, to help define relationships, track dependencies, and enforce workflow rules.

Associate Tracker Artifacts

You can connect tracker artifacts with other TeamForge items such as documents or topics. Creating associations between items enables you to define relationships, track dependencies, and enforce work flow rules.

Change a Password

To protect the security of your TeamForge account, change the password regularly.

Check Command History

Recent command history for a replica server or a specific repository allows you to check for errors and see whether there are pending commands.

Check Out Code

You can use the checkout command to check out the code from Subversion or GIT repository.

Clone a Tracker Artifact

Save effort in duplicating a tracker artifact within the project and across projects by cloning artifacts in TeamForge.

Contribute to Project Wiki

The TeamForge Wiki allows you to create an unlimited number of Wiki pages in each TeamForge project. A Wiki page is a tool for managing project information as unstructured, linkable content.

Create a Source Code Repository

Each project can have one or more source code repositories. Before you can create a source code repository, a site administrator must first add one or more SCM servers to the TeamForge environment.

Create Tracker Artifacts

You can create a tracker artifact whenever you need to report and track a bug, feature request, support request, or other type of issue. You can also create a tracker artifact without logging into TeamForge just by sending an email to the tracker.

Customize Reports

You can customize your reports by modifying the parameters in config.ini file. For example, some reports require a particular data source such as datamart and some require a particular license type such as ALM.

Edit Tracker Artifacts

Updating the information in tracker artifacts is one important way that project members can work together effectively.

Export Tracker Artifacts

To use the contents of artifacts from a tracker or a planning folder in other applications, export them to a CSV, XML, Excel or tab-delimited file.

Filter Tracker Artifacts

When a large number of tracker artifacts makes it difficult to find the one you want, filter and sort the list to narrow down the possibilities.

Find Tracker Artifacts

If the filter returns too many results or not enough, try the search facility. The Tracker contains a comprehensive search system that enables you to find a specific artifact or set of artifacts quickly.

Get the Code

Browse TeamForge to find the code you want to work on, then check out the code.

HTML EMails for Tracker Artifacts

From its 17.8 release, when you create or update an artifact, TeamForge sends HTML emails to users assigned to and users monitoring that artifact.

Import Tracker Artifacts

You can now import artifacts into TeamForge using the Excel/CSV tracker import function. Data from both Excel and CSV files can be imported.

Join a Project

To create, store, and share work on a TeamForge site, first join a project.

Jump to ID / Advanced Search

When you want to search for TeamForge objects such as tracker artifacts or documents, you can quickly search using a unique identifier or a keyword or you can perform an advanced search.

Linkify Custom Object IDs in Code Browser

Include custom object IDs in your commit messages and have them automatically converted to hyperlinks. This is possible if you set up custom object ID mapping for the repository.

Manage Your Project Teams

The Team feature, as the name implies, enables you to create logical groups of team members to carry out project activities more efficiently in an agile environment. Using the Team list view, you can create, edit, delete and view teams at the project level.

Monitoring Activities in TeamForge

When you monitor an item, such as a task or a document, you are notified by email when that item is updated. You can also monitor a discussion forum or project news by subscribing to its Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feed.

Move a Tracker Artifact (Cut and Paste)

As work proceeds on a tracker artifact, its focus may change. If this happens, it may be appropriate to move the artifact into a different tracker, or to a tracker in a different project.

My Settings

To help get started on collaborating with other project members, you can provide some information about yourself.

My Workspace

Your My Workspace is a personal workspace that offers a handful of configurable widgets such as My Recent Projects, My Recent Repositories, Git Code Reviews, Project News and so on. You can use these widgets to view recent projects, recent repositories, recent commits, items assigned to you (TeamForge artifacts and document reviews), Git code reviews, project news, reports and more.

Quality Gates and Review Rules

This topic discusses quality gates and review rules from an administrator perspective. It also discusses some of the known issues with the project level `` file and how to work around them.

Replicate a Subversion Repository

When a Subversion Edge replica has been successfully registered with a TeamForge SCM integration server, it is available to project administrators in projects using that server to house repositories. To replicate a Subversion repository, you need to add it to a replica server.

Reporting in TeamForge

Generate a report to get a snapshot of what is going on in a project. You can generate reports on data stored in both TeamForge's production (operational) database or datamart. Datamart, also known as the Reporting database, is build by extracting, transforming and loading (ETL) TeamForge's production data to a separate database (datamart) at regular intervals.

Search Code

Integration with Black Duck Code Sight (BDCS) is no longer supported in TeamForge 17.1 and later. TeamForge 17.1 (and later) is equipped with its own code search function powered by Elasticsearch. You can do away with BDCS integration while upgrading to TeamForg 17.1 (and later) and set up TeamForge Code Search, which is now one of the integral services of TeamForge. This section discussions the features of TeamForge Code Search and what it takes to set up Code Search on your site.

Share Project News

Regular project news announcements help members stay in touch with events that can affect their work on the project.

Team View in Planning Board

The Team view in Planning Board provides an option to filter artifacts for a specific team within the selected planning folder.

Team View in Task Board

The Team view in Task Board provides an option to filter backlog items for a specific team within the selected planning folder.

Use Kanban Board

After the kanban board is configured, you can use it to view, plan and track work items for the selected planning folder or the selected team within that planning folder.

Use Task Board

During a sprint, TeamForge project members can use the Task Board to view tasks, create tasks for backlog items, edit tasks and drag and drop tasks across swimlanes as they progress.

UserFilter Removal

The `UserFilter` removal from the Quality Gates is a direct outcome of the removal of the `current_user` predicate from the open source Gerrit.

View Code Commits

To stay up to date with code development on a project, browse the code commits made to each repository integrated into your TeamForge site.

Wiki Syntax

You can use special wiki text markup to do a wide variety of cool and useful things on TeamForge wiki pages.

Work with Artifact Cards

In the Planning Board, artifact cards are displayed in ranked sequence within each swim lane. Using Planning Board, you can quickly add new cards (quick add), edit cards, move cards within a swimlane to rank them and move cards between swim lanes to reassign them to other planning folders.

Work with the Internal Code Browser

For Subversion and Git repositories, you have the option to use the TeamForge code browser which is turned on by default while integrating the source code server.

Work with Your Documents

The Documents List page brings you document management functions to ensure a better document management experience.