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8 docs tagged with "database"

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Archive database

Release stores completed releases in a database that is separate from the repository: the archived database. Besides the completed releases, metadata for reporting is stored in this database.

Back up Release

This topic describes how to create a backup and how to restore from that backup. It is a best practice to create regular backups of your Release server.

Cluster mode

This topic describes how to install and upgrade Release as a cluster. Running Release in a cluster mode lets you have a Highly Available (HA) Release setup. Release supports the following HA mode.

Configure the SQL repository Release stores its data in a repository. By default, this repository is an embedded database stored in XLRELEASESERVERHOME/repository. Completed releases and reporting information are stored in another database called archive. By default, this is also an embedded database stored in XLRELEASESERVERHOME/archive. Embedded databases are automatically created when Release is started for the first time. They are used to simplify the setup for evaluation and test environments. For production use, you must use an industrial-grade external database server.

Plugin Manager CLI

The Release plugin manager displays the list of plugins on the filesystem or database and their current version. You can delete Release plugins with the plugin manager command-line interface (CLI) from the database or filesystem. It is also possible to add and update plugins with the plugin manager CLI.

Plugin Synchronization

This topic explains the new plugin management system introduced in Release 10.2.0. Once you upgrade your Release to 10.2.0 or higher version there is no more manually copying of plugin files. Everything is handled by Release GUI and internal API. Plugins are now being stored in the database as a central location to remove the manual manipulation of files across the cluster.

Store Reports and Logs on S3—JVM Cluster

You can configure Release to save reports and logs on Amazon S3 instead of the local file system. Here's how you can configure S3 storage and move your existing data if necessary.