Workflow to Create AWS Lambda Function using S3 Zip File
The objective is to illustrate how to use the Create an AWS Lambda Function using S3 zip file workflow in Release to create an AWS Lambda function using S3 zip file.
The objective is to illustrate how to use the Create an AWS Lambda Function using S3 zip file workflow in Release to create an AWS Lambda function using S3 zip file.
The objective is to illustrate how to use the Create Secret in AWS SecretsManager workflow in Release to create secrets in AWS Secrets Manager, which can again be looked up and substituted across Release templates and workflows.
The objective is to illustrate how to use the Create Secret in Azure KeyVault workflow in Release to create secrets in Azure KeyVault, which can again be looked up and substituted across Release templates and workflows.
The objective is to illustrate how to use the List Azure Container Registry Images workflow in Release to list container images from the Azure container registry.