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Version: Release 23.3

Task Types

This topic categorizes the different types of tasks in Release, including those representing user actions, automated tasks, and tasks that integrate with other tools.


In addition to the built-in task types, you can create your own custom task types.

User action task types

In tasks representing user actions, a person performs an action and indicates when the task is completed.

Task typeDescriptionColor in the release flow editor
GateContains conditions that must be fulfilled before the release can continue.Red
ManualRepresents a step in a template or release that must be completed by a user.Gray
User InputUsers provide values for release variables.Gray

Automated task types

In automated tasks, the Release execution engine performs an automated script.

Task typeDescriptionColor in the release flow editor
Create ReleaseCreates and starts a release based on a template.Green
JenkinsRuns a Jenkins job.Blue
JIRAQuery and/or update issues on an Atlassian JIRA server.Blue
NotificationAutomatically sends an email when the task becomes active.Gray
Remote ScriptExecutes commands on remote hosts.Blue
ScriptExecutes a Python script on the Release server.Gray
WebhookSends an HTTP query and parses the response (XML or JSON).Blue
DeployTriggers the deployment of an application to an environment in Deploy.Green

Container task types

You can use container tasks to group other types of tasks. The container task types are:

Task typeDescriptionColor in the release flow editor
Parallel GroupA container for tasks that are executed simultaneously.None
Sequential GroupA container for tasks that are executed in sequence.None