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5 docs tagged with "repository"

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Configure the SQL Repository Release stores its data in a repository. By default, this repository is an embedded database stored in XLRELEASESERVERHOME/repository. Completed releases and reporting information are stored in another database called archive. By default, this is also an embedded database stored in XLRELEASESERVERHOME/archive. Embedded databases are automatically created when Release is started for the first time. They are used to simplify the setup for evaluation and test environments. For production use, you must use an industrial-grade external database server.

Manage Blueprint Repositories

A blueprint repository is a remote repository that contains templates and source code for blueprint functionality. Each time you run the XL CLI xl blueprint command, it fetches files from the blueprint repository.

Manage Passwords

This topic explains how to change the encryption key password and the admin user's password in Release.

Managing Encrypted Passwords in Release

Release provides a mechanism to automatically encrypt passwords and enables you to refer to them, so you do not need to store third-party passwords in plain text in configuration files.