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5 docs tagged with "dashboard"

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Release Dashboard Tiles

The release dashboard tiles topic provides you with an overview of your planning information with the help of graphical representations. The release dashboard can be customized as per your requirement by adding, configuring, moving, and removing tiles to show the planning information and details about the release status.

Release Value Stream Dashboard

This topic describes the Release value stream report, which focuses on the quality of completed and aborted releases. The data for this report is sourced from the archive database, meaning releases that are completed or aborted but not yet archived will not be included in the report. For more information, see completed and aborted and


This topic describes how release reports display graphs and statistics based on historical release data.

Reports Dashboard

This topic provides key information on flagged releases and highlights those with the highest level of automation.

Using the Release Dashboard

The release dashboard is a customizable view where you can add, configure, move, and remove tiles that show planning information and details about release status.