Set Blackout Period
Release allows you to set a start date and end date to ensure that specific tasks cannot be performed during the set blackout period.
To create, edit, or delete a blackout period, you must have the Admin or Edit Blackout Period global permissions.
To create a new blackout period
In the left navigation bar, from the Overview section, select Release calendar. The Release calendar view is displayed.
Hover on the day in the calendar you want to blackout.
Click the three dot
> Set blackout period. The Blackout period dialog appears.
In the Label field, specify a name for the blackout period.
In the Start date field, select a start date and time for the blackout period.
In the End date field,, select an end date and time for the blackout period.
Click Save.
You can see all the blackout periods in the calendar view. On the calendar, the blackout period appears as a black marked area.
Tasks in blackout period
All the tasks can be prevented from starting during a blackout period. You can do this by postponing each task until blackout period is over.
Note If a task is already running, it cannot be postponed.
To postpone a task:
- Go to the release flow editor and click the task.
- Under Scheduled start date, click the Postpone during blackout period checkbox.
The task scheduled start date is reset to 1 minute after the set end date of the blackout period.
If a task is postponed during blackout period, you can manually override the setting and start the task immediately.
Note To enable, disable, or override the Postpone during blackout period setting on a task, you must have the Admin global permissions or the Edit Task Blackout release permissions.
Edit blackout period
To edit a blackout period, select it in the calendar view, and then click Edit. The Blackout period dialog appears.
Edit the required properties.
Click Save.