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Version: Release 22.2

Product Overview

Release orchestration coordinates all the activities in a pipeline that facilitates the release of an application, and the flow of value from code commit to production. Release is a release management and orchestration solution that enables teams across an organization, from development to production, to collaborate for software delivery success. Release is designed to help you manage the increasing complexity of your software delivery processes by easily integrating with your existing DevOps tools and then modeling your end-to-end processes. It helps you accelerate delivery and reduce risk using automation that maps and standardizes your release processes.

Following are the key capabilities of Release:

  • Pipeline orchestration to control the entire software release process.
  • Standardized templates to enable teams to automate tasks using your DevOps tools.
  • Release automation to automate manual tasks for quicker delivery.
  • Out-of-the-box integrations enables integration with your existing tools such as Jenkins, git, Jira, ServiceNow, and so on.
  • Enables effective Dependency management within and across multiple release pipelines.
  • Customizable dashboards provide data for you to analyze your release processes, identify bottlenecks, uncover areas for automation, and so on.
  • Automated audit reports provide a full audit trail and measure compliance for IT auditors.