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6 docs tagged with "phase"

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Add a Phase to a Release or Template

In Release, the phases in a template or release represent blocks of work that happen in succession. To add a phase to a template or release, use the release flow editor.

Core Concepts Releases are at the heart of Release. A release represents a number of activities in a certain time period, with people working on them. Release allows you to plan, track, and execute releases automatically. It acts as a single source of truth for everyone who is involved in making the release a success.

How to Find Identifiers for REST API

To use the Release REST API, you need to know the unique identifiers for templates, releases, phases and tasks. This topic explains where you can find them.

Restart a Phase in an Active Release

In an active release, you can abort the current phase and restart the execution from any past phase. This can be required if some parts of the release procedure must be repeated. For example, QA rejects a version of the application for release and the test phase must be repeated with an updated version.

Work With Phases and Tasks

In Release, phases in a template or release represent blocks of activities that occur in succession. Activities in a template or release are modeled as tasks, which are logically grouped in phases. You can use the release flow editor to manage phases and tasks.