Format Panel for Heat Map Visualizations
You can format a heat map visualization, to enable rectangles to be deleted from the visualization, to select the algorithm used to size and position rectangles in the visualization, etc.
- Open an existing dossier that contains the heat map visualization you want to format.
- Select the heat map visualization in the dossier.
- In the left toolbar, click Format .
- Select the area of the visualization you want to format from the first drop-down.
Data Exploration
The Data Exploration options contain general formatting options to determine how to display rectangles, whether to display labels for rectangles, and so on. The following options are available:
Layout: Determine how to size or position rectangles using the following options:
- Keep readability, not element order (default): Size the rectangles in the heat map visualization to make them easy-to-read.
- Balance readability and element order: Size and position the rectangles to make them easy-to-read, while still attempting to display them in the same order in which they appear in the Editor panel.
- Keep element order, not readability: Position the rectangles in the heat map visualization in the same order in which they appear in the Editor panel.
Headers: Select whether the rectangle headers appear On top or In center (default).
Labels: You can choose whether to label each rectangle with the name of the attribute element that it represents. Select On (default) to show the rectangle labels. Select Off to hide the rectangle labels. Select Proportional to display the rectangle labels with the size of each label reflecting the size of the rectangle. Rectangles with large values appear with larger labels than rectangles with small values.
Show Metric Values: Select this option to display the metric values for each rectangle in the visualization.
Shape Color: This option appears if the rectangles are colored automatically based on the value of a metric or values in an attribute.
Note: Place an attribute in the Color By area of the Editor panel to color rectangles by attribute values. Place a metric in the Color By area of the Editor panel to color rectangles by metric values.
If the heat map's rectangles are colored by attribute values, Web automatically selects the colors for each attribute value. You can change the color for any or all attribute values. Select the attribute value in the first drop-down list. Next, select the color to use to display the attribute value in the second drop-down list. Enter the opacity of the color in the third field. The higher the percentage, the more opaque the rectangle.
If the heat map's rectangles are colored by metric values , click Select Color Ranges to modify thresholds on the Quick Thresholds Editor. Enter the opacity of the colors in the second field. The higher the percentage, the more opaque the rectangle.
Text: This option is available if you select On top in the Headers drop-down list. Select the text to format from the first drop-down list. The available options are All, Headers, or Labels. Click Plus or **Minus ** to increase or decease the size of the text in the visualization. Next, select the font type from the second drop-down list.
Header Fill: This option is available if you select Headers from the first drop-down list in Text. In addition, the headers must be positioned at the top of the rectangles. If the headers are positioned in the middle of the rectangles, the headers do not use a separate background color.
Select a color for the rectangle headers. Next, enter the opacity of the color in the second field. The higher the percentage, the more opaque the header.
More Options: Click to define additional formatting options, such as how to display the attribute form names and how null and zero metric values are hidden.
Title and Container
The following options are available to format the title, background, and borders in a visualization:
Show titlebar: Select the checkbox to display the visualization's title.
Font: Select font formatting options.
Fill Color: Select the background color of the visualization from the palette.
Outer Border: Select the style and color of the visualization's borders from the drop-down lists.
If your visualization contains a legend, use the Legend options for formatting:
Show Legend: Select this checkbox to display the legend.
Text: Select font formatting options.
Fill: Select the background color from the palette. In the Percent field, type the opacity of the background as a percentage. Higher values are more opaque.