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Version: Deploy 24.3

Manual upgrade RabbitMQ

RabbitMQ during operator2operator upgrade or helm2operator upgrade to version 23.3 of operator will not upgrade automatically to the latest RabbitMQ server version. It will upgrade maximally to the RabbitMQ server 3.10.25 (in 23.1 we are using the server version 3.9.8-debian-10-r6). The version that is installed with operator 23.3. Is RabbitMQ server 3.12.3-debian-11-r1. So we need to manually upgrade to that version, because we need to enable RabbitMQ feature in each version, see following links for more details:

Steps to upgrade from RabbitMQ server 3.10.25 to 3.12.3

  • If the current version is 3.10.x, upgrade to 3.11.23

Ssh to the Rabbitmq pod and run the following:

# following will list of available feature flags
rabbitmqctl list_feature_flags
# following will enable all available feature flags
rabbitmqctl enable_feature_flag all

It will list all current feature flags with their state. After that, it will enable all features.

kubectl patch -n digitalai Digitalaideploys dai-xlr \
--type=merge --patch '{"spec": {"rabbitmq": {"image": {"tag": "3.11.23"}}}}'
  • if the current version is 3.11.x, upgrade to 3.12.3

Ssh to the Rabbitmq pod and run the following:

# following will list of available feature flags
rabbitmqctl list_feature_flags
# following will enable all available feature flags
rabbitmqctl enable_feature_flag all

It will list all current feature flags with their state. After that, it will enable all features.

Remove the image version, to use the default one, provided with the operator default configuration:

kubectl patch -n digitalai Digitalaideploys dai-xlr \
--type=merge --patch '{"spec": {"rabbitmq": {"image": null}}}'