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Version: Deploy 24.3

Trial install

This topic describes how to install a trial version of Deploy.


Before installing Deploy as a trial, ensure that your system meets the minimum server, network, and hard disk requirements. For more information, see Requirements for installing Deploy.

Choosing the correct setup for your requirements

TypePossible ConfigurationsRecommendationsDocumentation
Basic installationInstall and run Deploy on a single instanceRecommended if you don't have a high number of concurrent deploymentsBasic setup
High Scale setupSetup Deploy to run on one master node and one worker nodeSame as basic setup. But provides the flexibility of adding more workers later.1. Basic Install
2. Add, start, and use workers
Setup Deploy to run on one master and multiple worker nodesAdds scalability to the basic setup. You can use this setup to run multiple deployment tasks in parallel. Add as many workers as you need to make it scalable.1. Basic Install
2. Add, start, and use workers
3. Configure Deploy to use multiple workers
High availability (HA) SetupSetup Deploy to run on one active master and one or more master nodes in standbyActive—Hot-Standby setup provides scalability with a failover mechanism. You can setup one node to be active and all other nodes to be in standby, waiting to be activated when the active node fails. This setup comes with restrictions and is not recommended for HA.
Important: Given the success of Active-Active setup with our customers, we have determined that the Deploy Active/Hot-standby mode is no longer the recommended configuration for achieving High Availability due to its inherent limitations. To ensure a more reliable and efficient solution, we strongly recommend migrating to the Active-Active setup. Plan and execute the migration from Deploy Active/Hot-standby to Active-Active before the designated deprecation date, which is the 1st of May,2024.
Set up an Active—Hot-Standby Cluster
Setup Deploy to run on multiple master and worker nodesActive-Active setup adds high availability and high scalability to the basic setup with multiple master and worker nodes. 1. Set up an Active-Active Cluster
2. Add, start, and use workers
3. Configure Deploy to use multiple workers
Operator-based cluster setup allows you to use the Active-Active setup with the advantages of Kubernetes.1. Plan Your Installation or Upgrade
2. Add, start, and use workers

Other recommendations:

  • You can use Satellites with any of these setups for more flexibility.
  • In a multi-master HA setup, installing Central Configuration as a microservice makes it easier to manage.

Download the Deploy server trial software

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your details and click Get Started.

Note: A trial license key will be sent to your specified email address. 3. Click Server Download.

Extract the Deploy server archive

  1. Log in to the computer where you want to install Deploy.
  2. Create an installation directory such as /opt/xebialabs/xl-deploy or C:\Program Files\Deploy.
  3. Copy the Deploy server archive to the directory.
  4. Extract the archive in the directory.

Note: We recommended to install the Deploy server as a non-root user such as xldeploy.

Run the server setup wizard

Run the server setup wizard on a Microsoft Windows or Unix-based host. You can stop the setup wizard at any time, enter exitsetup. All changes to the configuration will be discarded.

To install the Deploy server:

  1. Go to a command line or terminal window, and depending on your system, execute on of the following commands to start the setup wizard:

    Operating systemCommand
    Microsoft Windowsrun.cmd -setup
    Unix-based -setup

    The following message is displayed: Do you want to use the simple setup? Default values are used for all properties. To make changes to the default properties, please answer no. Options are yes or no. [yes]:

  2. Enter yes, or press enter, to install Deploy with a default configuration. Using this method, Deploy will be installed with the following settings:

    • SSL will be disabled
    • HTTP bind address is
    • HTTP port is 4516
    • Context root is /
    • The server will use a minimum of 30 and a maximum of 150 threads.
    • Applications can be imported from the importablePackages directory.
  3. At the "Provide a password" for the admin user prompt, provide a password for the admin user. Choose a password with a minimum of 6 characters. Note: The admin user has all permissions and is used to connect to the Deploy repository.

  4. At the "Generate an encryption key" prompt, you can optionally choose to generate a password encryption key to protect passwords that you store in the repository. Important: If you want to start Deploy as a service on system boot, do not add a password to the password encryption key. Adding a password to the encryption key prevents automated start. Note: If you do not want to provide a password, press enter twice.

    • Answer yes to generate a new key. This will create an encryption key in XL_DEPLOY_SERVER_HOME/conf/repository-keystore.jceks. Deploy will use this key to encrypt and decrypt all password properties. This will also be used for encrypted entries in dictionaries and passwords that are set in the XL_DEPLOY_SERVER_HOME/conf/deployit.conf file. Note: You can also provide a password to secure the key. You will be required to enter this password when Deploy starts, either: Interactively via a prompt, Non-interactively via a command-line parameter, or non-interactively via a configuration file.
    • Answer no to use the built-in Deploy encryption key, or to use a key that you have previously generated.
  5. At the "Set up completed" prompt:

    • Answer yes to finish the setup process. The setup wizard will start Deploy and show the URL where you can access it, for example, http://localhost:4516.
    • Answer no to exit setup.
  6. Install the trial license key and log in.
    Note: If you did not receive a trial license key to your specified email, check your spam folder. If the license key is not in your spam folder, revisit and reenter your details. After reentering your details, if you still do not have a trial license key, contact support.

    1. Copy the license key from the email.
    2. Paste the license key into the License field.
    3. Click Install license. A message displays indicating the end date for the 30-day license.
    4. Click Get started.
    5. Log in with the username admin and the password that you provided during the setup process.

For information on starting Deploy in the future, see Start Deploy.