๐๏ธ Logging in Deploy
By default, the Deploy server writes informational, warning, and error log messages to standard output and to XLDEPLOYSERVER_HOME/log/deployit.log when it is running. In addition, Deploy:
๐๏ธ Log Analysis Tool in Deploy
Elastic Stack
๐๏ธ Create a Deployment Checklist
To ensure the quality of a deployment pipeline, you can optionally associate environments in the pipeline with a checklist that each deployment package must satisfy before being deployed to the environment. This topic describes how to create a deployment checklist for an environment.
๐๏ธ Create a Deployment Pipeline
A deployment pipeline defines the sequence of environments to which an application is deployed during its lifecycle.
๐๏ธ Using the Monitoring View
The Deploy monitoring view provides an overview of the tasks that are not archived as well as satellites and workers in the system.
๐๏ธ Monitor Deploy Server Health
You can use the Deploy health REST endpoint (/deployit/ha/health) with a GET or a HEAD request to check if the Deploy node is up and accessible.
๐๏ธ Using Deploy Reports
Deploy contains information about your applications, environments, infrastructure, and deployments. Using the reporting functionality, you can gain insight into the state of your environments and applications.
๐๏ธ View the Application Summary Screen
The application summary screen displays a set of basic information about the application, the deployment pipeline tile, and the latest deployments tile.
๐๏ธ View Environment Summary Information
The environment summary screen gives you an "at a glance" view of an environment, providing some basic information including its current status, infrastructure that it uses, currently-deployed applications, dictionaries and resolved placeholders.