๐๏ธ Get Started With Tasks
A task is an activity in Deploy. When starting a deployment, Deploy will create and start a task. The task contains a list of steps that must be executed to successfully complete the task. Deploy will execute each of the steps in turn. When all of the steps are successfully executed, the task itself is successfully executed. If one of the steps fails, the task itself is marked as failed.
๐๏ธ Monitor Tasks and Assignments
The Deploy user interface includes a monitoring section that provides an overview of deployment tasks that are not archived. To access it, click Monitoring in the left pane.
๐๏ธ Force Cancel a Task
If you want to remove tasks that are stuck and cannot be canceled due to failing steps, you can use the force cancel option. It is intended to use force cancel only as a last resort option to clean up tasks.
๐๏ธ Schedule Tasks
In Deploy you can schedule or reschedule a task for execution at a specified date in time. You can schedule or reschedule tasks that are in a PENDING or SCHEDULED state.
๐๏ธ Use a Delegate in a Control Task
In Deploy, you can define control tasks and use them to execute actions from the Deploy GUI or CLI. To create a custom control task, you can use a delegate. Deploy includes a predefined delegate called JythonDelegate that accepts a Jython script that it will execute.
๐๏ธ Stage Artifacts
To ensure that the downtime of your application is limited, Deploy can stage artifacts to target hosts before deploying the application. Staging is based on the artifact Checksum property, and requires that the plugin being used to deploy the artifact supports staging.
๐๏ธ Deploy Externally-stored Artifacts
This topic describes how to use the Deploy command-line interface (CLI) to deploy an artifact from a Maven repository such as Artifactory or Nexus. This tutorial uses this sample application. This is a WAR file that you can deploy to middleware such as Apache Tomcat or JBoss AS/WildFly.
๐๏ธ Locate Vulnerable Deployed Artifacts
Sometimes, it is necessary to identify all instances of an artifact that has been deployed. For example, if a particular open source library that your application uses has been found to be vulnerable. This topic describes a method for locating artifacts using the Deploy command-line interface (CLI).
๐๏ธ Perform Rolling Update Deployments
This topic describes how to perform the rolling update deployment pattern using Deploy. This is a scalable approach that applies to any environment or any number of applications.