๐๏ธ Get Started With Rules
When preparing a deployment, Deploy must determine which steps to take for the deployment, and in what order. This happens in three phases:
๐๏ธ Tutorial for Using Rules
The rules system works with the Deploy planning phase. You can use XML or Jython to specify the steps that belong in a deployment plan and how the steps are configured.
๐๏ธ Best Practices for Rules
This topic provides examples of best practices to use when writing Deploy rules.
๐๏ธ Define a Rule
Deploy rules allow you to use XML or Jython to specify the steps that belong in a deployment plan and how the steps are configured.
๐๏ธ Rule Objects and Properties
When you define an XML or script rule in Deploy, you use expressions or scripts to define its behavior. These are written in Jython, a combination of Python and Java.
๐๏ธ Write Script Rules
A script rule adds steps and checkpoints to a plan by running a Jython script that calculates which steps and checkpoints to add.
๐๏ธ Write XML Rules
The Deploy rules system enables you to use XML or Jython to specify the steps that belong in a deployment plan and how the steps are configured. For more information, see Get started with rules and Writing script rules.
๐๏ธ Create Custom Validation Rules
You can add validation rules to properties and configuration items (CIs) in the synthetic.xml. Deploy comes with the regex validation rule, which can be used to define naming conventions using regular expressions.
๐๏ธ Use Predefined Steps in Rules
Deploy rules enable you to use XML or Jython to specify the steps that belong in a deployment plan and how the steps are configured. Several Deploy plugins include predefined rules that you can use when writing rules. For more information on rules, see Get started with rules.
๐๏ธ Use Step Macros
You can define new step primitives by using predefined step primitives such as jython and os-script. These are called step macros. After you define a step macro, you can refer to it by name, as you refer to a predefined step. You can reuse built-in steps and customize them for your system. Step macros can include one or more parameters of any valid Deploy type.
๐๏ธ Use a Script to Execute Commands
To execute commands as part of a deployment:
๐๏ธ Disable a Rule
You can disable any rule that is registered in the Deploy rule registry, including rules that are: