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Webdriver.IO Integration - Appium


As the latest version of client is W3C compliant, we recommend using Appium-OSS mode of execution in order to run these tests.

Native App Test

iOS test example Expand source

describe('Eribank test', () => {
it('Login test', async () => {
const username = await $('//*[@name="usernameTextField"]'); //find element
const password = await $('//*[@name="passwordTextField"]');
const loginButton = await $('//*[@name="loginButton"]');
await username.setValue('company'); //send key
await password.setValue('company');
await; //click

Android test example Expand source

describe('Eribank test', () => {
it('Login test', async () => {
const username = await $('//*[@text="Username"]'); //find element
const password = await $('//*[@text="Password"]');
const loginButton = await $('//*[@text="Login"]');
await username.setValue('company'); //send key
await password.setValue('company');
await; //click

For more advanced capabilities, see Capabilties in Appium Based Tests.

wdio.config.js example

exports.config = {
runner: 'local',
hostname: '<cloud-ip>',
protocol: 'https',
port: 443,
path: '/wd/hub',

specs: [
capabilities: [{
platformName: '<platform>', // 'ios' for iOS tests, 'android' for Android tests
'appium:options': {
'udid': '<Device-Udid>', // Optional
'bundleId': 'com.experitest.ExperiBank', // for iOS
'appPackage': 'com.experitest.ExperiBank', // for Android
'app': "cloud:com.experitest.ExperiBank/.LoginActivity",
'digitalai:options': {
'testName': "Appium WebdriverIO native test", //Optional
'accessKey': "<AccessKey>", // Or userName, password and projectName if needed
'appiumVersion': "1.22.3",
mochaOpts: {
ui: 'bdd',
timeout: 180000

Web Test

Web test example Expand source

const assert = require('assert')
describe(' page', () => {
it('should have the right title', async () => {
await browser.url('')
const title = await browser.getTitle()
assert.strictEqual(title, ' Continuous Testing | Scalable App & Device Testing Tool')

For more advanced capabilities, see Capabilties in Appium Based Tests.

wdio.config.js example

exports.config = {
runner: 'local',
hostname: '<cloud-ip>',
protocol: 'https',
port: 443,
path: '/wd/hub',

specs: [
capabilities: [{
platformName: '<platform>', // 'ios' for iOS tests, 'android' for Android tests
browserName': 'chrome',
'appium:options': {
'udid': '<Device-Udid>', // Optional
'digitalai:options': {
'testName': "Appium WebdriverIO webtest", // Optional
'accessKey': "<AccessKey>", // Or userName, password and projectName if needed
'appiumVersion': "1.22.3",

mochaOpts: {
ui: 'bdd',
timeout: 180000
} Run

To run your tests, run the applicable command in a command line window:

  • Windows: npx wdio run .\wdio.conf.js
  • Mac: npx wdio run ./wdio.conf.js