Test execution base
The Test execution base dataset provides detailed insights into test executions, enabling comprehensive analysis and reporting. It captures attributes such as test identifiers, execution status, start time, duration, and environment details. It also includes metrics like the number of test executions, failed tests, and average duration. The dataset tracks key information about devices, browsers, operating systems, and application versions used during testing. It supports filtering by calendar dates and project associations, offering flexibility for trend analysis and performance monitoring. This dataset is essential for evaluating testing efficiency, identifying failures, and optimizing test coverage across various platforms and environments.
This filter retrieves reservations from the past 12 months while excluding those labeled as DELETE.
The following are the components of this dataset:
Attribute Name | Description |
App activity | List of values of session product types |
App build version | Unique number assigned to different software build of test application |
App name | Unique identifier of the test application |
App package | Name of the package linked to test application |
App platform | Name of the platform or operating system linked to test application |
App release version | Unique number assigned to different software release of test application |
Browser name | The name of the browser under test |
Browser version | The version of the browser under test |
Calendar date | Gregorian calendar date |
Calendar month | Gregorian calendar month |
Desired capabilities | The list of desired capabilities for the test provided by the client |
Device major version | Major version of the device |
Device version | Version of the device |
Has report | Flag to indicate if a test execution contains a report that summarizes the test |
Lagging count of days | Displays the day number relative to the latest extract date and is used as a filter to retrieve past or future records |
Lagging count of months | Displays the month number relative to the month that corresponds to the latest extract date and is used as a filter to retrieve past or future records. |
Last refresh date | Last ETL refresh time |
Os name | The name of the operating system |
Project | Project to which the Work Item is associated |
Selenium agent | The Selenium Agent machine running the browser under test |
Start time | Date and time at which the test case was started in the system |
Success | Flag to indicate if the test execution is successful or no |
Sys_source | Unique source identifier |
Test | Unique identifier given for a test |
Test device | Unique identifier of the test device |
Test device manufacturer | Manufacturer name of the test device, such as Apple, Samsung, Xiaomi, and so on |
Test device model | Model number of the test device, such as iPhone 8, iPad Air, Redmi 6, and so on. |
Test device os | Operating System of the test device, such as iOS or Android. |
Test device screen size | Size of the test device's screen in pixels. For example: 640x1136, 1080x1920 |
Test execution cause | Root cause for the test execution failure |
Test execution environment | The continuous testing cloud environment |
Test execution number | Test number |
Test execution report URL | URL or path where the test execution summary report is available |
Test execution status | Status of the test device as mentioned in the source, such as error, offline, online, unauthorized |
Test framework | Type of test automation framework used as mentioned in the source, such as Appium, Selenium, Seetest, and so on |
Test type | Type of test case, such as mobile or web |
User name | The name of the user executing the test |
Metric Name | Description |
% Failed test executions | The ratio of failed test executions to the total test executions, expressed as a percentage. |
Average duration | Average of the duration |
Duration | Total time taken for the test execution |
Number of devices | Count of all the devices |
Number of failed test executions | Count of all test executions that have failed in the run |
Number of test executions | Count of all test executions |