Reservation Base
The Reservation Base dataset provides a detailed overview of reservation activities, enabling comprehensive analysis and reporting. It captures essential information such as reservation timelines, usage patterns, status updates, and user interactions. The dataset supports tracking and evaluating key aspects of reservations, including their scheduling, duration, and resource utilization, facilitating data-driven decision-making and operational efficiency.
This filter selects reservations from the last 12 months and excludes any reservations marked as DELETE.
The following are the components of this dataset:
Attribute Name | Description |
Calendar Month | Gregorian calendar month displayed in the format 'Mon YYYY' |
Calendar quarter | Session Calendar Quarter |
Calendar week | Session Calendar Week |
Calendar year | Session Calendar Year |
Device serial number | Reservation Device |
Lagging count of days | Displays the day number relative to the latest extract date and is used as a filter to retrieve past or future records |
Lagging count of month | Displays the month number relative to the month that corresponds to the latest extract date and is used as a filter to retrieve past or future records. |
Lagging count of quarter | Session lagging count of quarters |
Lagging count of week | Session lagging count of weeks |
Lagging count of year | Count of number of years since the session was created till current year |
Last refresh date | The most recent date and time when the ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) process successfully refreshed the data. This indicates how up-to-date the dataset is. |
Release reason | Reservation release reason |
Released by | The person who released the reservation |
Reservation | Unique identifier of the reservation |
Reservation actual end datetime | Reservation actual end date and time |
Reservation actual start datetime | Reservation actual start date and time |
Reservation date | Date on which reservation started |
Reservation environment | The Continuous Testing cloud environment |
Reservation event type | Event type of the reservation |
Reservation project | The project for which the device is reserved |
Reservation scheduled end datetime | Date and time on which the reservation is scheduled to end |
Reservation scheduled start datetime | Date and time on which the reservation is scheduled to start |
Reservation status | The status of the reservation |
Reserved by | The user who reserved the device |
Sys_source | Unique source identifier |
Tokens used | Number of tokens used for reservation |
Web reservation | A flag that indicates whether the reservation was done through the web |
Metric Name | Description |
% Scheduled vs actual duration | Percentage comparison of scheduled versus actual reservation durations. |
No of reservations | Total number of reservation |
No of tokens used | The Total number of tokens used |
Reservation actual duration hours | Time duration between reservation actual start date to reservation actual end date in hours |
Reservation actual duration minutes | Time duration between reservation actual start date to reservation actual end date in minutes |
Reservation scheduled duration hours | Time duration between scheduled reservation start date to scheduled reservation end date in hours |
Reservation scheduled duration minutes | Time duration between scheduled reservation start date to scheduled reservation end date in minutes |