Session Base
The Session Base dataset provides comprehensive insights into sessions by capturing essential details such as session identifiers, start and end times, environment, license type, operating system, and status. It tracks session activities across different timeframes, including calendar-based attributes like month, quarter, and year, as well as lagging counts, which help in understanding the duration and progression of sessions over days, months, quarters, weeks, and years. This dataset is valuable for monitoring session performance, analyzing trends, and optimizing testing processes by offering detailed session-level data for further analysis and reporting.
This filter selects sessions from the last 12 months and excludes any sessions marked as DELETE.
The following are the components of this dataset:
Attribute Name | Description |
Calendar date | Gregorian calendar date |
Calendar Month | Gregorian calendar month displayed in the format 'Mon YYYY' |
Calendar quarter | Session Calendar Quarter |
Calendar week | Session Calendar Week |
Calendar year | Session Calendar Year |
Device serial number | Reservation Device |
Lagging count of days | Displays the day number relative to the latest extract date and is used as a filter to retrieve past or future records |
Lagging count of month | Displays the month number relative to the month that corresponds to the latest extract date and is used as a filter to retrieve past or future records. |
Lagging count of quarter | Session lagging count of quarters |
Lagging count of week | Session lagging count of weeks |
Lagging count of year | Count of number of years since the session was created till current year |
Last refresh date | Last ETL refresh datetime |
Reservation | Unique identifier of the reservation |
Session | A unique identifier for the session |
Session browser name | Browser name of session |
Session browser version | Browser version of session |
Session end datetime | The date on which the session ends |
Session environment | The Continuous Testing Cloud Environment |
Session license type | License type of the session |
Session os name | The name of the operating system |
Session platform name | Platform name of the session |
Session product | List of values of session product types |
Session project | The project for which the device is reserved |
Session start datetime | The date on which the session starts |
Session status | The status of the session |
Metric Name | Description |
Avg session duration minutes | Average session duration in minutes |
No of sessions | Total number of sessions |
Session duration hours | Time duration between session created to session closed time in hours |
Session duration minutes | Time duration between session created to session closed time in minutes |