Devices Rest API
Shared Devices Note
The Devices Rest APIs are not supported for Shared Devices.
Continuous Testing allows device management using the Rest API.
- The role of the user performing the Rest Operation is specified by the Authorization header.
- For more information see How To Execute Rest API.
Get All Devices
This gets the information of all the devices the user has access to.
GET /api/v1/devices
Response Status: 200 OK
"status": "SUCCESS",
"data": [
"id": "83",
"udid": "1115fbd4746c2f05",
"iosUdid": "",
"deviceName": "Samsung S6 Edge",
"notes": "",
"deviceOs": "Android",
"osVersion": "7.0",
"model": "SM-G928C",
"manufacturer": "samsung",
"currentUser": "None",
"deviceCategory": "PHONE",
"uptime": "",
"isEmulator": false,
"profiles": "no profiles",
"agentName": "",
"agentIp": "",
"agentLocation": "",
"region": "Europe - Master",
"currentStatus": "offline",
"statusTooltip": "",
"lastUsedDateTime": "2017-04-21T13:03:44.403+03:00",
"previousStatus": "offline",
"statusAgeInMinutes": "868542",
"statusModifiedAt": "1502176646041",
"statusModifiedAtDateTime": "2017-08-08T10:17:26.041+03:00",
"displayStatus": "Offline",
"whitelistCleanup": true,
"defaultDeviceLanguage": null,
"defaultDeviceRegion": null,
"iosConfigurationProfiles": ["Foobar"],
"screenWidth": 720,
"screenHeight": 1280
"tags": [
"phoneNumber1: "123456",
"phoneNumber2: null,
"bluetooth": {
"adapterName": "name123456",
"state": "OFFLINE"
"code": "OK"
Get Devices by Query
This gets the devices' information based on device query. The results are limited to the devices the user has access to.
For more information on how to write device queries, see Device Queries.
GET /api/v1/devices?query=@os='android' and starts-with(@model,'SM-')
The query can be specified as parameter as well.
GET /api/v1/devices
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
query | String | No | Returns all devices if not provided or empty string. |
Response Status: 200 OK
"status": "SUCCESS",
"data": [
"id": "83",
"udid": "1115fbd4746c2f05",
"iosUdid": "",
"deviceName": "Samsung S6 Edge",
"notes": "",
"deviceOs": "Android",
"osVersion": "7.0",
"model": "SM-G928C",
"manufacturer": "samsung",
"currentUser": "None",
"deviceCategory": "PHONE",
"uptime": "",
"isEmulator": false,
"profiles": "no profiles",
"agentName": "",
"agentIp": "",
"agentLocation": "",
"region": "Europe - Master",
"currentStatus": "offline",
"statusTooltip": "",
"lastUsedDateTime": "2017-04-21T13:03:44.403+03:00",
"previousStatus": "offline",
"statusAgeInMinutes": "868542",
"statusModifiedAt": "1502176646041",
"statusModifiedAtDateTime": "2017-08-08T10:17:26.041+03:00",
"displayStatus": "Offline",
"whitelistCleanup": true,
"defaultDeviceLanguage": null,
"defaultDeviceRegion": null,
"iosConfigurationProfiles": ["Foobar"],
"screenWidth": 720,
"screenHeight": 1280
"tags": [
"phoneNumber1: "123456",
"phoneNumber2: null,
"bluetooth": {
"adapterName": "name123456",
"state": "OFFLINE"
"code": "OK"
Get Device
This gets the device information of the given ID.
This API call is available only to a cloud administrator.
GET /api/v1/devices/<id>
id - Device ID. The Device ID can be retrieved from the 'id' attribute of /api/v1/devices.
Response Status: 200 OK
"status": "SUCCESS",
"data": {
"id": "12345",
"udid": "11111",
"iosUdid": "",
"deviceName": "Google Pixel",
"notes": "",
"deviceOs": "Android",
"osVersion": "9",
"model": "Pixel XL",
"manufacturer": "Google",
"currentUser": "None",
"deviceCategory": "PHONE",
"uptime": "0d 00:03",
"isEmulator": false,
"profiles": "no profiles",
"agentName": "windowsagent",
"agentIp": "",
"agentLocation": "2",
"region": "Europe - Master",
"currentStatus": "online",
"statusTooltip": "",
"lastUsedDateTime": "2019-04-04T10:31:29.776+03:00",
"previousStatus": "offline",
"statusAgeInMinutes": "3",
"statusModifiedAt": "1554364275730",
"statusModifiedAtDateTime": "2019-04-04T10:51:15.730+03:00",
"displayStatus": "Available",
"whitelistCleanup": true,
"screenWidth": 720,
"screenHeight": 1280,
"project": "11111,Project2",
"tags": [
"iosConfigurationProfiles": ["Foobar"],
"deviceGroups": {
"1": "Default",
"987654": "devgroup",
"lastActivity": 1603371650000,
"phoneNumber1: "123456",
"phoneNumber2: null,
"bluetooth": {
"adapterName": "name123456",
"state": "OFFLINE"
"code": "OK"
Edit Device
This edits a device's name, notes or category.
This API call is available only to a cloud administrator.
POST /api/v1/devices/<id>
id - Device ID. The Device ID can be retrieved from the 'id' attribute of /api/v1/devices.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
name | String | No | New name of the device |
notes | String | No | New notes of the device |
category | String | No | New category of the device (allowed categories: WATCH / TABLET / PHONE / UNKNOWN) |
Response Status: 200 OK
"status": "SUCCESS",
"code": "OK"
Get Device Reservations
This the device reservations of the specified device.
This API is available only for a cloud administrator.
GET /api/v1/devices/<id>/reservations
id - Device ID. The Device ID can be retrieved from the 'id' attribute of /api/v1/devices.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
start | String | Yes | YYYY-MM-DD-hh-mm-ss as (2019-04-04-13-30-00) |
end | String | Yes | YYYY-MM-DD-hh-mm-ss |
current_timestamp | String | Yes | YYYY-MM-DD-hh-mm-ss |
Response Status: 200 OK
"status": "SUCCESS",
"data": [
"start": "2019-04-04T18:51:44.940+03:00",
"end": "2019-04-04T19:36:44.940+03:00",
"id": 2264433,
"title": "keerthana@NO_HOST"
"code": "OK"
Reserve Device
This reserves a device. If a User ID is provided, the device is reserved for that user. Otherwise, the device is reserved for the current user.
If the user has more than one project, the project ID must be provided. Otherwise, the sole project is used.
This API is available only for a cloud administrator.
POST /api/v1/devices/<id>/reservations/new
id - Device ID. The Device ID can be retrieved from the 'id' attribute of /api/v1/devices.
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
start | String | Yes | YYYY-MM-DD-hh-mm-ss |
end | String | Yes | YYYY-MM-DD-hh-mm-ss |
clientCurrentTimestamp | String | Yes | YYYY-MM-DD-hh-mm-ss |
userId | String | No | User ID |
projectId | String | No | Project ID |
notes | String | No | Free text notes. This is typically used to specify the reason for the reservation. |
Response Status: 200 OK
"status": "SUCCESS",
"data": {
"reservationId": 14833,
"reservations": "Reservation added successfully"
"code": "OK"
Reserve Multiple Devices
This reserves multiple devices.
If a User ID is provided, the devices are reserved for that user. Otherwise, the devices are reserved for the current user.
If the user has more than one project, the project ID must be provided. Otherwise, the sole project is used.
This API is available only for a cloud administrator.
POST /api/v1/devices/reservations/new
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
devicesList | String | Yes | list of id of the device (as "8,235,54") |
start | String | Yes | YYYY-MM-DD-hh-mm-ss |
end | String | Yes | YYYY-MM-DD-hh-mm-ss |
clientCurrentTimestamp | String | Yes | YYYY-MM-DD-hh-mm-ss |
userId | String | No | id of a user |
projectId | String | No | id of a project |
notes | String | No | a reason for this reservation |
Response Status: 200 OK
"status": "SUCCESS",
"data": {
"reservations for id: 11664": "{\"status\":\"SUCCESS\",\"data\":{\"reservationId\":14835,\"reservations\":\"Reservation added successfully\"},\"code\":\"OK\"}"
"code": "OK"
Release Device
This releases the device from its current user.
POST /api/v1/devices/<id>/release
id - Device ID
Response Status: 200 OK
"status": "SUCCESS",
"code": "OK"
Reboot Device
This reboots the device.
This API is available only for a cloud administrator.
POST /api/v1/devices/<id>/reboot
id - Device ID
Response Status: 200 OK
"status": "SUCCESS",
"code": "OK"
Reset USB Connection
This resets the USB Connection.
This API is available only for a cloud administrator.
POST /api/v1/devices/<id>/resetusb
id - Device ID
Response Status: 200 OK
"status": "SUCCESS",
"code": "OK"
Download App Container
(Only for iOS) - This downloads an application container as a zip file. The file name format is: <bundle-id>.zip
- The device must be reserved by a user.
- The application must be built for debugging.
This API is available only for a cloud administrator.
GET /api/v1/devices/<id>/app-container/<bundle-id>
- id - Device ID
- bundle-id - Bundle ID
Start Web Control on a Specific Device
This start web access control of the device.
When choosing the Debug option, Grid must run from the same user who ran the API call.
This API call is available only for a cloud administrator.
PUT /api/v1/devices/<id>/web-control
id - Device ID
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
type | String | Yes | 0-Manual, 1 - View, 2 - Automation, 3 - Debug |
emulatorInstanceName | String | No | Name for the emulator |
Response Status: 200 OK
"deviceId": 12345,
"regularLink": "",
"externalLink": null
Open Mobile Studio for Device Identified by Device Query
This API is available for all user roles.
POST /api/v1/devices/web-control
JSON Body Parameters
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
deviceQuery | String | Yes | Specifies which devices are to be used. |
Request Example
"deviceQuery": "@os = 'Android'"
Response Example
"status": "SUCCESS",
"data": {
"link": ""
"code": "OK"
Create a Report Template for Manual Tests
This creates a report template for manual tests. For more information about report templates, see Manual Reports.
This API is available for all user roles.
POST /api/v1/devices/web-control
JSON Body Parameters
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
deviceQuery | String | Yes | Specifies which devices can be used |
testName | String | Yes | Name of the manual test |
testSteps | Array | Yes | Array of objects describing the manual test steps |
name | String | Yes | Name of the manual test step (max 255 characters) |
description | String | No | Step description |
expectedResult | String | No | Expected result of the step |
attachment | String | No | Link with the additional related information |
JSON Response Properties
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
---|---|---|---| | String | Yes | Link for opening the reserved device in the browser. |
data.report_api_id | String | Yes | Identifier for this manual test. This can be used for retrieving the details from Reporter. |
Request Example
"deviceQuery": "@os = 'Android'",
"testName": "Application can be launched",
"testSteps": [
"name": "Find the application icon on the device and click it",
"expectedResult": "Application opens and stays visible in foreground"
Response Example
"status": "SUCCESS",
"data": {
"link": "",
"report_api_id": "97bdf5bb-0948-4901-95e9-17a4669d57b6"
"code": "OK"
Get Device Tags
This gets tags that were added to device.
This API call is available for all users.
GET /api/v1/devices/<id>/tags
id - Device ID
Response Status: 200 OK
"status": "SUCCESS",
"data": [
"code": "OK"
Add Device Tag
This adds tags to device.
Tags can contain only letters, digits, and underscore character.
Up to 10 tags are allowed for each device.
Tags are not case sensitive.
This API is available for Cloud Administrators and Project Administrators.
PUT /api/v1/devices/<id>/tags/<tag_value>
id - Device ID
tag_value - Tag text
Success Response
Response Status: 200 OK
Invalid Character Response
Response Status: 400 BAD REQUEST
{"status":"ERROR","message":"Device tag can contain only digits, letters and underscores","code":"BAD_REQUEST"}
Already Has 10 Tags Response
Response Status: 400 BAD REQUEST
{"status":"ERROR","message":"Cannot add tag to device. Device has: 10 tags. Maximum allowed number of tags is: 10","code":"BAD_REQUEST"}
Remove Device Tag
This removes a device tag.
This API call is available for Cloud Administrators and Project Administrators.
DELETE /api/v1/devices/<id>/tags/<tag_value>
id - Device ID
tag_value - Tag to be deleted
Response Status: 200 OK
Remove All Device Tags
This removes all tags from a device.
This API is available for Cloud Administrators and Project Administrators.
DELETE /api/v1/devices/<id>/tags
id - Device ID
Response Status: 200 OK
Get Installed Certificates from Device
This is applicable to Android devices only.
This API is available for Cloud Administrators.
Pre-existing accounts on the device (such as Google, Samsung, and Xiaomi) must be removed from the device before using this API for the first time. This is required to set the profile owner. Once the profile owner is set, accounts may be added again. There is no need to remove and add accounts for subsequent uses.
GET /api/v1/devices/<id>/cacerts
id - Device ID
"status": "SUCCESS",
"data": [
"CN=OISTE WISeKey Global Root GC CA,OU=OISTE Foundation Endorsed,O=WISeKey,C=CH",
"CN=CFCA EV ROOT,O=China Financial Certification Authority,C=CN",
"CN=Cybertrust Global Root,O=Cybertrust\\, Inc",
"CN=QuoVadis Root CA 1 G3,O=QuoVadis Limited,C=BM",
"CN=Staat der Nederlanden Root CA - G3,O=Staat der Nederlanden,C=NL",
"CN=Certum Trusted Network CA,OU=Certum Certification Authority,O=Unizeto Technologies S.A.,C=PL",
"CN=thawte Primary Root CA,OU=(c) 2006 thawte\\, Inc. - For authorized use only,OU=Certification Services Division,O=thawte\\, Inc.,C=US",
"CN=GTS Root R4,O=Google Trust Services LLC,C=US",
"CN=GeoTrust Primary Certification Authority - G2,OU=(c) 2007 GeoTrust Inc. - For authorized use only,O=GeoTrust Inc.,C=US",
"CN=T-TeleSec GlobalRoot Class 2,OU=T-Systems Trust Center,O=T-Systems Enterprise Services GmbH,C=DE",
"CN=Certum Trusted Network CA 2,OU=Certum Certification Authority,O=Unizeto Technologies S.A.,C=PL",
"CN=GlobalSign Root CA,OU=Root CA,O=GlobalSign nv-sa,C=BE",
"CN=SecureTrust CA,O=SecureTrust Corporation,C=US",
"CN=GTS Root R3,O=Google Trust Services LLC,C=US",
"CN=Secure Global CA,O=SecureTrust Corporation,C=US",
"CN=Entrust Root Certification Authority,OU=(c) 2006 Entrust\\, Inc., is incorporated by reference,O=Entrust\\, Inc.,C=US",
"CN=Go Daddy Secure Certificate Authority - G2,OU=,\\, Inc.,L=Scottsdale,ST=Arizona,C=US",
"code": "OK"
Install CA Certificates on Device
This is applicable to Android devices only.
This API is available for Cloud Administrators.
Pre-existing accounts on the device (such as Google, Samsung, and Xiaomi) must be removed from the device before using this API for the first time. This is required to set the profile owner. Once the profile owner is set, accounts may be added again. There is no need to remove and add accounts for subsequent uses.
POST /api/v1/devices/{id}/install-certs
id - Device ID
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
file | File | Yes | Certificate file 1 |
file | File | No | Certificate file 2 |
⋮ | ⋮ | ⋮ | ⋮ |
Each certificate file must be in its own line in the response body.
The files must confirm to X.509 standard. They can have various extensions, for example: .pem, .crt, .cer
Response Status: 200 OK
"status": "SUCCESS",
"code": "OK"
List Installed Applications
This returns a is a list of package identifiers for Android devices and a list of Bundle ID for iOS devices of the installed applications.
GET /api/v1/devices/<id>/applications
id -Device ID
Request Parameters
Name | Type | Mandatory | Default Value | Description |
includeSystemApps | Boolean | No | False | If response should include system applications |
List Installed Configuration Profiles
This returns a list of identifiers of the configuration profiles installed on the device.
This is applicable to iOS devices only.
This API is available for Cloud Administrators.
GET /api/v1/devices/<id>/profiles
<id> -Device ID
Get IP and Wi-Fi Address
This API is available only for Available or In-Use devices.
This returns the SSID (not be seen in iOS), IPv4 address, and IPv6 address (if available).
GET /api/v1/devices/<id>/WifiIPAddress
id -Device ID
Change Passcode for Devices
POST /api/v1/devices/passcode
JSON Body Parameters
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
passcode | String | Yes | New passcode to be set for the device |
devicesList | String | Yes | list of id of devices (i.e. 1,2,3) |
Response Example
Response Status: 207 (Multi-Status)
"status": "PARTIAL",
"success": [
"message": "Passcode edited successfully"
"deviceId": 1,
"deviceUid: "23423sdf234o2i34",
"failure": [
"message": "Passcode cannot be edited, device is 'In-Use'"
"DeviceID": 2,
"deviceUid: "ierw9823werwe30230",
Enroll device to MDM
This API is available only for cloud admin and installs the configuration profile of the region’s designated MDM server.
POST /api/v1/devices/<id>/enrollMdm
id -Device ID