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Version: Release 24.3

Add comments to a task

In the Release GUI, you can add comments to any type of task in a template or release.

Also it is possible use the REST API and Jython API to automatically add comments to tasks. For an example, see Using the Release API in scripts.

The Comments heading in a task shows the number of comments on the task.

Comment size limit

To prevent performance issues, comments are limited to 32,768 characters. If is manually added a comment that exceeds the limit, Release will truncate the comment. If a Jython Script task tries to add a comment that exceeds the limit, Release will truncate the comment and attach the full output of the script to the task.

The comment size limit is changeable for each task type in the XL_RELEASE_SERVER_HOME/conf/ file. Example:


To change the limit, delete the number sign (#) at the beginning of the relevant line, change the limit as desired, then save the file and restart the Release server.