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Version: Release 24.1

Wait for Tracked Item Task

A Wait For Tracked Items task is an automatic task that waits for items to exist or be completed in a stage on a running delivery.

wait for tracked items task

The options for the Wait For Tracked Items task are:

DeliveryID of the delivery in which the item should wait.
Tracked itemsIDs or names of the items to wait for.
PatternSelect a delivery pattern to filter the available stages.
StageID or title of the stage in which to wait for the item.
StatusThe status that the tracked item should be in within that stage: Completed or Available.

In the release flow editor, Wait For Tracked Items tasks are marked with a purple border.


  • The release does not require to be linked to the items in order to wait for them.
  • The task will fail if the item is descoped.

Assigning an automated tasks user

A release that contains a Wait For Tracked Items task must have an automated tasks user assigned. This user must have the View delivery or Edit delivery or Edit tracked items permission on the folder where the delivery is located.

You can assign the automated tasks user in the Run automated tasks as user release property. For more information, see Configure release properties.