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Version: Release 24.1

Release Overview

The release overview shows the list of releases that you have permission to view and that are planned, active (including releases that are in progress, paused, failing, or failed), or completed (including aborted).

To open the release overview, select Releases from the top bar. The release overview shows the status of each release and any status flags that have been set.

Release Overview

Release overview actions

  • To open the release in the release flow editor view, click in any place on a release.

  • To expand the phase pipeline view of a release, click the arrow button under that release. This shows how much of each release has been completed and any flags that have been set on the release or the tasks within it. To collapse the phase pipeline view, click the arrow again.

    Expanded Phase Pipeline


For releases created before an upgrade, the Releases view will not display phase information until progress is made on that release.

  • To start a release that is in the planned state, click Start on the right of the release.
  • To abort an active release, click Abort on the right of the release.

Actions on multiple releases

You can start or abort multiple releases at the same time. To select the releases, click the checkbox on the left of each release.

When any action is performed on multiple releases at the same time, only one notification email is sent to each recipient containing the action performed and the list of releases.

Filter releases

You can search and filter the releases using different criteria.

To expand the search options, click Search. Type a part of a release title or release tags in the Title and Tag(s) boxes. When you start typing the release tag name, the tag autocompletes from a database of a maximum of 500 tags. To collapse the search options, click Search again.

To see only your releases, you can filter them by clicking My Releases. To see only the releases flagged with a warning message, click Flagged. You can use both options at the same time.

To filter the release overview by the status of the release, click Status and select one or more from :

  • Planned to show releases that have been created but that have not started yet (in the planned state)
  • In progress - releases that are in the in progress state
  • Paused - releases that are in the paused state
  • Failing - releases that are in the failing state
  • Failed - releases that are in the failed state
  • Aborted - only releases in aborted state
  • Completed - only releases in completed state

Archived releases

You can view archived releases by clicking on the Archived button

Release filter

Dates in the release overview

The Start date column shows:

  • The planned start date if the release is scheduled but has not started
  • The actual start date if the release has already started

The End date column shows:

  • The planned end date if the release is not complete
  • The actual end date when the release was completed

Overdue dates are displayed in red.

The Duration column shows the duration of the release.

Note: The release overview shows a percentage complete status based on the number of tasks completed in each release.

Sorting releases in release overview

To order the release overview, click Order by and select:

  • Risk to show the releases with the highest risk level at the top

The sorting is based on risk calculation, displaying the release with the maximum risk score at the top. If multiple releases have the same maximum risk score, a second sorting rule is applied that calculates the total risk sum for each release.

  • Start date to show the releases with earliest start date on top
  • End date to show the release with latest end date on top

For more information about release risk awareness, refer to Using risk awareness in Release .

Filtering the release overview

To filter the release overview, click Filter options and select:

  • Select any status from the filter and it will show you all the releases from the search result
  • Only my releases to show releases for which you are the release owner
  • Only flagged releases to show releases that are flagged with a warning message; use this option to see releases that are currently at risk
  • Archived to show releases that are archived and available for reports

To filter on the release title, use the Filter by title or tag box.

To filter on dates, use the From and To options.