Listen to Events
In Release your custom code can react on the activity log events that are happening inside releases or triggers. These events are published in a lot of different moments during the release or trigger execution.
In the following example, you will see how to listen to one of the Release events and react to it.
If you are using maven
or gradle
to build your plugin, you must add the Deploy/Release Maven repository:
and the following dependency: com.xebialabs.xlrelease:xlr-api:23.1.x
repositories {
maven {
url ''
dependencies {
compile: "com.xebialabs.xlrelease:xlr-api:23.1.0"
<name>XebiaLabs maven repository</name>
Here is a sample of the directories inside your plugin structure:
├── META-INF/services
│ └──
└── com/example/plugin
Release uses java ServiceLoader to discover your custom listeners.
You must create a file with the name
inside your .jar
file under the META-INF/services
The content of the file is a line with the implementation of the XLReleaseEventListener
, in this case:
Create a Java class PhaseNotifiyListener
inside the com.example.plugin
package com.example.plugin;
public class PhaseNotifiyListener implements XLReleaseEventListener {
private NotificationApi notificationApi = new ....
public void notifyCriticalPhaseStarted(ActivityLogEvent event) {
if (e.activityType().equals(PHASE\_STARTED) && e.message().contains(Critical phase)) {
notificationApi.sendAlert(Critical phase started!,;
Your Java class must implement the interface XLReleaseEventListener
(this is the same as the file created under META-INF/services
). The method with the event logic must be annotated with @AsyncSubscribe
. This TestListener
is listening to all ActivityLogEvent
. If the event type is PHASE_STARTED
and contains the critical phase name, it sends an alert to
that a critical phase has started.
As this class is instantiated by Release, the constructor cannot have any argument.
As of Release 8.5.3, ActivityLogEvent
has an additional property releaseId
of type string.
Using the Configuration API
It is also possible to use the Configuration API from your java class. You must create a private field with the @Resource
annotation and Release will inject the interface for you.
package com.example.plugin;
import javax.annotation.Resource;
import com.xebialabs.xlrelease.api.v1.ConfigurationApi;
public class PhaseNotifiyListener implements XLReleaseEventListener {
private ConfigurationApi configurationApi;
public void notifyCriticalPhaseStarted(ActivityLogEvent event) {
Update plugins to replace DeployitEventListener
with XLReleaseEventListener
The DeployitEventListener
property has been removed and is no longer supported. If you are using this property in your custom plugins, follow these steps to update your custom plugins:
Add a new dependency in
:compile "com.xebialabs.xlrelease:xlr-api:8.2.x"
You can now add the new events dependencies on the plugin scope.
All classes that have the
annotation must be changed to implementXLReleaseEventListener
. -
All methods on your old classes containing
must be replaced with@AsyncSubscribe
and the parameter must be changed toActivityLogEvent
. -
In the resources folder, create two new folders (META-INF/services) and a file named
. Using a text editor,
and add a text line with the full name of your old class. This is required from Release to detect these "listener" classes outside the Release package.
List of activity types
The following table shows the different activity log types that you can receive in different moments for a release:
Activity log type | Description |
TEMPLATE_CREATED | Created template |
TEMPLATE_DUPLICATED | Duplicated template |
TEMPLATE_MOVED | Template moved from folder |
RELEASE_TITLE_UPDATED | Changed release title |
RELEASE_DESCRIPTION_UPDATED | Changed release description |
RELEASE_DUE_DATE_UPDATED | Changed release due date |
RELEASE_SCHEDULED_START_DATE_UPDATED | Changed release scheduled start date |
RELEASE_OWNER_UPDATED | Changed release owner |
RELEASE_TAGS_UPDATED | Updated release tags |
RELEASE_FLAG_STATUS_UPDATED | Changed flag status for release |
RELEASE_FLAG_COMMENT_UPDATED | Changed flag comment on release |
RELEASE_ABORT_RELEASE_ON_FAILURE_UPDATED | Changed 'Abort release on failure' status on status |
COMMENT_ADDED | Added a comment on task |
COMMENT_UPDATED | Updated comment on task |
PHASE_CREATED | Created a phase in a release |
PHASE_RENAMED | Renamed a phase in a release |
PHASE_DESCRIPTION_UPDATED | Changed the description of a phase |
PHASE_DURATION_UPDATED | Changed the duration of a phase |
PHASE_DUE_DATE_UPDATED | Changed the due date of a phase |
PHASE_SCHEDULED_START_DATE_UPDATED | Changed the scheduled start date of a phase |
PHASE_COLOR_CHANGED | Changed the phase color |
PHASE_MOVED | Moved phase |
PHASE_DELETED | Deleted phase |
PHASE_DUPLICATED | Duplicated phase |
PHASE_STARTED | Started phase |
PHASE_FAILED | Failed phase |
PHASE_FAILING | Phase started failing |
PHASE_RESTARTED | Restarted phase |
PHASE_COMPLETED | Completed phase |
PHASE_CLOSED | Closed phase and skipped all its tasks |
TASK_CREATED | Created task |
TASK_MOVED_BETWEEN_CONTAINERS | Moved a task between containers |
TASK_MOVED_WITHIN_CONTAINER | Moved a task within a container |
TASK_DELETED | Deleted task |
TASK_TITLE_UPDATED | Changed the title of a task |
TASK_DESCRIPTION_UPDATED | Changed the description of a task |
TASK_DURATION_UPDATED | Changed the duration of a task |
TASK_OWNER_UPDATED | Changed the owner of a task |
TASK_TASK_TEAM_UPDATED | Changed the team of a task |
TASK_DUE_DATE_UPDATED | Changed the due date of a task |
TASK_SCHEDULED_START_DATE_UPDATED | Changed the scheduled start date of a task |
TASK_WAIT_FOR_SCHEDULED_START_DATE_UPDATED | Changed the wait for scheduled start date property of a task |
TASK_FLAG_STATUS_UPDATED | Changed the flag on a task |
TASK_FLAG_COMMENT_UPDATED | Changed the flag comment on a task |
TASK_COPIED | Copied task |
TASK_NOTIFICATION_ADDRESSES_UPDATED | Changed the notification addresses of recipients of the task |
TASK_NOTIFICATION_CC_UPDATED | Changed the notification list of email addresses that receive the message as CC of a task |
TASK_NOTIFICATION_BCC_UPDATED | Changed the notification list of email addresses that receive the message as BCC of a task |
TASK_NOTIFICATION_REPLY_TO_UPDATED | Changed the notification email address of the reply message recipient of a task |
TASK_NOTIFICATION_PRIORITY_UPDATED | Changed the notification email priority of a task |
TASK_NOTIFICATION_SUBJECT_UPDATED | Changed the notification subject of a task |
TASK_NOTIFICATION_BODY_UPDATED | Changed the notification body of a task |
TASK_SCRIPT_UPDATED | Changed the script of a task |
TASK_INPUT_PROPERTY_UPDATED | Changed the input property of a task |
TASK_INPUT_PROPERTY_PASSWORD_UPDATED | Changed the password on an input property of a task |
TASK_OUTPUT_PROPERTIES_UPDATED | Changed the output property of a task |
TASK_PRECONDITION_UPDATED | Changed the precondition of a task |
TASK_TYPE_CHANGED | Changed the type of a task |
TASK_RELEASE_TITLE_UPDATED | Changed the release title of a task |
TASK_RELEASE_TEMPLATE_UPDATED | Changed the release template of a task |
TASK_START_RELEASE_FLAG_UPDATED | Changed the start release flag of a task |
TASK_RELEASE_VARIABLE_UPDATED | Changed a variable of a task |
TASK_RELEASE_TAGS_UPDATED | Changed release tags of a task |
TEAM_CREATED | Created team |
TEAM_UPDATED | Updated team |
TEAM_DELETED | Removed team |
FOLDER_TEAM_MERGED | Merged teams and permissions from a template into a folder |
REMOVE_TEMPLATE_TEAMS | Removed teams from template. It will inherit teams and permissions from a folder |
GATE_CONDITION_CREATED | Created condition on a gate |
GATE_CONDITION_TITLE_UPDATED | Updated the condition gate title |
GATE_CONDITION_FULFILLED | Fulfilled condition on gate |
GATE_CONDITION_UNFULFILLED | Unfulfilled condition on gate |
GATE_CONDITION_DELETED | Deleted condition from gate |
LINK_ADDED | Created a link between tasks on a group |
LINK_REMOVED | Removed a link between tasks on a group |
DEPENDENCY_CREATED | Added a dependency in a gate |
DEPENDENCY_UPDATED | Changed a dependency in a gate |
DEPENDENCY_DELETED | Deleted a dependency in a gate |
RELEASE_CREATED_FROM_TEMPLATE | Created a release from a template |
RELEASE_CREATED_FROM_CREATE_RELEASE_TASK | Created a release from a create release task and a template |
RELEASE_CREATED_FROM_DSL | Created a release from DSL |
RELEASE_RESTORED_FROM_REVISION | Restored a template from a revision |
RELEASE_CREATED | Created an empty release |
RELEASE_STARTED | Started a release |
RELEASE_STARTED_FROM_CREATE_RELEASE_TASK | Started a release from a create release task |
RELEASE_FAILED | Failed release |
RELEASE_FAILING | Release started failing |
RELEASE_RESTARTED | Restarted release |
RELEASE_COMPLETED | Completed release |
RELEASE_ABORTED | Aborted release |
TASK_STARTED | Started task |
TASK_DELAYED | Activated a task with a scheduled start date |
TASK_DELAYED_DUE_TO_BLACKOUT | Activated a task with a scheduled start date due to a blackout |
TASK_COMPLETED | Completed a task |
TASK_COMPLETED_IN_ADVANCE | Completed a task in advance |
TASK_SKIPPED | Skipped task |
TASK_SKIPPED_IN_ADVANCE | Skipped a task in advance |
TASK_FAILED | Failed task |
TASK_RESTARTED | Restarted task |
TASK_FAILING | Task started failing |
TASK_REOPENED | Reopened task |
TASK_WAITING_FOR_INPUT | Task requires input for variables |
TEMPLATE_IMPORTED | Imported template |
PERMISSIONS_UPDATED | Updated permissions |
ATTACHMENT_ADDED | Added attachment |
ATTACHMENT_ADDED_ON_TASK | Added attachment on a task |
ATTACHMENT_DELETED | Deleted attachment |
ATTACHMENT_DELETED_FROM_TASK | Deleted attachment from task |
TEMPLATE_ALLOW_CONCURRENT_RELEASES_FROM_TRIGGER_UPDATED | Changed 'Allow concurrent triggered releases' template |
RELEASE_VARIABLE_CREATED | Created release variable |
RELEASE_VARIABLE_DELETED | Deleted release variable |
RELEASE_VARIABLE_REPLACED | Replaced release variable |
RELEASE_VARIABLE_RENAMED | Renamed release variable |
RELEASE_VARIABLE_VALUE_UPDATED | Changed the value of a release variable |
RELEASE_VARIABLE_PASSWORD_VALUE_UPDATED | Changed the value of a password variable |
RELEASE_VARIABLE_NAME_UPDATED | Changed the name of a release variable |
RELEASE_VARIABLE_LABEL_UPDATED | Changed the label of a release variable |
RELEASE_VARIABLE_DESCRIPTION_UPDATED | Changed the description of a release variable |
RELEASE_VARIABLE_REQUIRED_UPDATED | Changed the required flag of a release variable |
RELEASE_VARIABLE_SHOW_ON_CREATE_UPDATED | Changed the 'show on create release form' flag of a release variable |
GLOBAL_VARIABLE_CREATED | Created global variable |
GLOBAL_VARIABLE_VALUE_UPDATED | Changed the value of a global variable |
GLOBAL_VARIABLE_DELETED | Deleted global variable |
FOLDER_VARIABLE_CREATED | Created folder variable |
FOLDER_VARIABLE_VALUE_UPDATED | Changed value of folder variable |
FOLDER_VARIABLE_DELETED | Deleted folder variable |
RELEASE_RISK_PROFILE_UPDATED | Changed the release risk profile |
The following table shows the different activity log types that you can receive in different moments for a trigger:
Activity log type | Description |
TRIGGER_CREATED | Created trigger |
TRIGGER_PROPERTY_UPDATED | Changed property of a trigger |
TRIGGER_DELETED | Deleted trigger |
TRIGGER_ENABLED | Enabled trigger |
TRIGGER_DISABLED | Disabled trigger |
TRIGGER_EXECUTED | Trigger action executed (e.g. release was created) |
TRIGGER_FAILED | Trigger action execution failed |
TRIGGER_FILTER_FAILED | Event-based trigger filter execution failed |